copied to clipboard
[OLS-X Cohort call week X]
Members responsible for different task list is mentioned as Call Lead, Facilitator, Cohort Coordinator
- Preparation - [Call lead]
- [ ] Prepare the notes
- [x] Identify and email speakers (cc Paz)
- [ ] Coordinate and identify facilitators for the week (involve Paz in this conversation)
- [x] Review the week's plan including assignments, update as needed and share any feedback with the team
- Weekly emails - [Cohort Coordinator]
- [ ] Send email to mentees
- [ ] Send a reminder email to the speakers
- Cohort call video preparation - [Facilitators]
- [ ] Download from Zoom cloud recordings
- [ ] Upload to (will need a few minutes to process)
- [ ] Upload to the OLS YouTube account
- [ ] Create a front page slide for the video - templates are available in Google Drive
- [ ] Make sure the YouTube video is added to the current cohort playlist
- [x] Correct transcripts (make sure to use the uploaded video, not the original transcript, as the timings won't match the video)
- [x] Download the corrected transcript as a .srt file from Otter
- [x] Upload it to the YouTube video
- [x] Post a link to the recording in the OLS Slack! 🙌
- Schedule sheet - [Call lead]
- [x] Add link to recording
- [x] Add names of hosts and faciliators
- [x] Add speaker names in "Confirmed speaker"
- [x] Check links to slide deck
- Website - [Call lead]
- [x] Add person detail to
if needed
- [x] Add person detail to