h801 copied to clipboard
Hi, I am trying to adapt your firmware for an esp32 board. However the: char* MQTT_LIGHT_RGB_STATE_TOPIC = "XXXXXXXX/rgb/light/status"; Isnt liked and when I call: memcpy(MQTT_LIGHT_RGB_COMMAND_TOPIC, chip_id, 8); The board crashes....
I configured wifi during the first boot of the H801 after I flashed it. Apparently it won't connect to mqtt. How can I reconfigure? There seems to be no web...
Hi, ist it possible to add 4 buttons to H801 to control on/brighter, off/darker, warm/warmer and cold/colder manually in case WiFi/broker goes down?
Maybe to paranoid but seems to me that sticking out an AP without a password doesn't seem a good idea... Any options to change that?
should be 0-1023 not 0-255. or i'am wrong ?
on line 136 it shows this: // replace chip ID in channel names. Does the sketch change the value of the chip id or I have to change it manually?...