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Provide a way to specify multiple possible sources of input for Zaak-initiator
Thema / Theme
Form designer
Omschrijving / Description
As a form designer i want to be able to create a form that contains identical initiators in separate parts of the forms. This will allow me to create forms for multiple "groups" instead of having to create unique forms for each.
Scenario: form "Request a event permit". This form can be used by businesses and citizens to request a permit to organize a event.
Step 1 contains 2 almost identical groups which are shown depending on the "auth": citizenGroup postcodeDigiD housnumberDigiD streetDigiD cityDigiD ...
businessGroup postcodeeHerkenning housnumbereHerkenning streeteHerkenning cityeHerkenning ...
Both groups contain components mapped with the same initiators.
In this scenario business submissions are generated with the correct mapping - but the citizen submission are "empty" because empty values from the business group overwrite the data from the citizen group.
As a form designer i want Open Forms to informed me about the fact is have set duplicate initiators - and if i know Open Forms will not overwrite a initiator that contain data with one that is empty i can build these forms.