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statedecoded [] is a tool that imports a city's code, indexes it in Apache Solr, and does all kinds of smart cross linking, making searching through code much easier. A couple of Code for America teams have already implemetned something like this for themselves.
It's mainly PHP, and requires you to feed it an XML formatted copy of the full code. I've sent an email to the City Clerk requesting this ( provides this for customers), but if that doesn't work out, time to scrape
Help wanted: PHP help, and if anyone knows who maintains the library for Austin, hit them up for an XML dump.
repo: URL:
I mainly wanted to get this up and running to see Solr in action.
Pulling the instance down for now as I don't have time to work on it, but if anyone knows how to find the CoA's municode contact person, and have them get us an XML dump of Austin's municode library (a service that municode offers to customers like CoA), that would be awesome.
None of my attempts have gotten a reply :(
Do you know what department that contact would live in? Code Enforcement? Or CTM (IT)?
No, but I figured someone one the City Clerk's office? Maybe?
That's hilarious.
We recently had Kathryn Darnall from the Clerk's office present at a civic tech night. Perhaps she'd be a good person to ask @davemcphee
State Decoded hit version 1.0 in 2017. It looks amazing, but there's the problem of finding a useable data source. I think the number of statedecoded instances for various jurisdictions has been decreasing as their founders grapple with the challenge of maintaining them.