opctl icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
opctl copied to clipboard

Migrate CLI to https://github.com/spf13/cobra

Open chrisdostert opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

💥 Proposal

Currently we use github.com/jawher/mow.cli as our CLI framework.

this comes with a few shortcomings that would be nice to overcome; namely:

  • no "did you mean [similar command]" when someone typos the command
  • no man page generation
  • no shell completion generation
  • no arbitrary option placement; mow.cli requires you specify a spec for each command, inclusive of opts and args. It doesn't support providing the opts and args out of order. This is sortof a non-ideal UX.
  • not as actively maintained or popular as other go CLI frameworks like cobra

It's proposed we move to https://github.com/spf13/cobra which gives us all of the above.

chrisdostert avatar Dec 16 '21 03:12 chrisdostert