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Help running Ethereum Benchmark
I am using Ubuntu 16.04.3 desktop 64-bit to run two virtual machines to test blockbench.
I am trying to run ./run-bench 1 1 1 1
, but i get this output:
And these are my variables in the file:
##comment these out for smallbank
I tried cloning the CustomGenesis.json to create a CustomGenesis_1.json file, but I still got the same output (invalid genesis file .... ), and I tried following the advice on this page, but to no help.
What am I doing wrong? What can I do?
how do you configure your VMs? Can they ping each other? Do they run SSH servers?
I have them both running on NAT, and they can ping each other. Both of the VMs are running SSH servers.
what version of Ethereum are you running? the VMs with ...130 address is running your server?
The ...129 address is running ethereum 1.8.4-stable The ...130 address is running ethereum 1.8.2-stable
The ...129 address is the one I'm trying to run blockbench on, and the ...130 address has an installation of etherum, installed trough the script in the blockbench/benchmark/ethereum directory.
They are both running ssh servers, and I can connect to each vm with ssh successfully.
I had the same problem. The field in extraData for Genesis_Files should be "extraData": "", and not "extraData": "0x0", Are your running from a local machine or do you run totally inside VMs? I'am currently working on this topic too
ok this is the problem with Ethereum version.
In version 1.7.x, you need 0x in front, but maybe in 1.8.x it has been removed.
I have a similar issue, but I get this error after connecting through ssh and creating the genesis file:
Fatal: Unable to attach to remote geth: dial unix
//home/john/Documents/ethereum/privatechain/geth.ipc: connect: no such file or directory
Fatal: Unable to attach to remote geth: dial unix
//home/john/Documents/ethereum/privatechain/geth.ipc: connect: no such file or directory
done node
Thanks for the help @ArnChe ! It solved my issue. I have to change the value of the extraData fieled to "", but I didn't know that I had to change the genesis file in the VM that did not run the ./ script.
And I also had to add this to the genesis file.
"config": { "chainId": 123123, "homesteadBlock": 0, "eip155Block": 0, "eip158Block": 0 }
, as the genesis file lacked config for the chain.
I now have the same issue as @johnslorid though
@johnslorid and @jamievaravara as I suppose, you are using your local machine with /home/username/path/to/benchmark and an instance with Ubuntu, right? So you have another path with /home/ubuntu. You have to determine the paths needed for the execution on your local machine and on the VMs. If shell should run on VM, pass a new directory like dir=directory/in/vm in front of the pointing to your directory in the VM. And I had to make another trick by gathering the enode adresses of the servers on my local machine and copy it to the right directory on server VMs via scp. That worked out for me. For the config files, have a look to the github repo of ethereum. Hope the explenation is understandable.
thanks @ArnChe , I'm have changed the value of the ETH_DATA variable to /home/thesis/.ethereum, but the vm running can still not find the geth.ipc for some reason.
Please chosse another path, because the .ethereum is a predefined folder for geth. What is the output of your addPeer.txt on the server after starting the test?
the content of addPeer.txt is just admin.addPeer(). I believe nothing starts running, even though the genesis block is created, since it for some reason can not find the geth.ipc file.
That's the problem, your server/miner has to get information about all mining server in the network. You have to pass this addPeer.txt file to the mining server nodes. I start the framework from my local host, gather the enode addresses from server/mining nodes and pass it with scp to all mining nodes.
@johnslorid @jamievaravara Hello, I have the same problem now, how do you solve this problem? Fatal: Unable to attach to remote geth: dial unix //home/djs/Documents/ethereum/privatechain/geth.ipc: connect: no such file or directory Fatal: Unable to attach to remote geth: dial unix //home/djs/Documents/ethereum/privatechain/geth.ipc:` connect: no such file or directory done node
I want to know, the log result whether it is normal ? it show that result have some valid data, but some data it istill 0.
If it is normal, I want to understand why the result it is 0.
og result whether it is n
hi your log is normal due to the process of POW in ethereum it take sometime to approve your tx count so some =0 when POW is taking place, after done it will be count in polled block: right after that latency and request are counted as per respect to tx count