remotekeyboard icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
remotekeyboard copied to clipboard

option to use only on Wifi

Open landroni opened this issue 9 years ago • 1 comments

Please add an option to only "Use on Wifi". Various apps support such an option, like F-Droid or Linphone, and having such an option on RK would come in handy to avoid RK being available on 3G networks...

landroni avatar Nov 14 '14 19:11 landroni

As mentioned you can use a Firewall solution and/or an SSH Server on Android to use RK more securly :smile:

But it would probably make sense to only bind on addresses for wifi and loopback … Currently it binds to all addresses

tcp6       0      0 :::2323                :::*                   LISTEN

Edit: Also mentioned

ypid avatar Mar 07 '15 19:03 ypid