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Everything you need in JSON land.
© 2021, Onur Yıldırım (@onury). MIT License.
Everything you need in JSON land.
npm i jsonc
- Parse JSON with comments.
- Stringify objects with circular references.
- Safely parse / stringify without try/catch blocks.
- Read and auto-parse JSON files gracefully, sync or async (with promises).
- Auto-stringify and write JSON files gracefully, sync or async (with promises).
- Strips UTF-8 BOM.
- Log objects as JSON (without worrying about errors).
- Uglify/beautify JSON strings.
- More helpful JSON errors.
- Friendly API.
- TypeScript support.
See the concise API reference.
const jsonc = require('jsonc');
// or
import { jsonc } from 'jsonc';
This is safe for JSON with comments:
jsonc.parse('// comment\n{"data": /* comment */ "value"}\n'); // » { data: 'value' }
And this is safe for circular references:
const obj = { x: 1 };
obj.y = obj; // circular
jsonc.stringify(obj); // » { x: 1, y: '[Circular]' }
But this is seriously safe:
// safe version of every method
const jsonc = require('jsonc').safe;
// or
import { safe as jsonc } from 'jsonc';
const [err, result] = jsonc.parse('[invalid JSON}');
if (err) {
console.log(`Failed to parse JSON: ${err.message}`);
} else {
See the concise API reference.
Change Log
v2.0.0 (2019-06-17)
- Requires Node.js v8 or newer.
- Updated dependencies.
v1.1.0 (2018-11-22)
- Fixed an issue where TypeScript compiler would complain about
'declare' modifier
. - Improved typings for safe methods.
- Updated core dependencies.
- Fixed an issue where TypeScript compiler would complain about
v1.0.0 (2018-10-18)
- Initial release.