
Results 37 issues of code-on

# Issue summary Case English main language, french translation User deleted a page in french translation tree. Started the same page again. But now its not connected to the translation...


It would be nice to add wagtail trans to headless options of wagtail. So when you see you rest api you can see the language of each page and corresponding...


When I go to http://localhost:8000/api/v2/pages I only get results from one language. There is no mention in the docs how to handle the API with wagtail trans. How do you...

On homepage there is a link to migration guide that leads to a 404

``` 'ImageUploadView' object has no attribute 'render_to_response' 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'is_ajax' ``` It appears that Django 4.0 removed this:

help wanted

When visiting the docs and clicking on the link GITHUB I come on 404 page . Thought the project was dead because of this. It go's to


When using the API wagtail headless the documentation is a bid sparse. For example using streamfield in combination with Snippetchooserblock and image. I solved it now something like this: ```...


### Is your proposal related to a problem? If I'm not mistaken there is no way to add placeholders. When you create a forms via wagtail there is no way...

component:Form builder

When you edit longer text in the richtext editor and reach the bottom of your screen, the browser does not scroll along. This can break the "zone" you are in...

component:Rich text
good first issue

I notice that users are skipping the first field Title, "page title" in wagtail 4.0. They are not aware of that this is a form field. So there is slight...

status:Needs Info
status:Needs UI Design