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π What you don't know is what you haven't learned
Note - Navigation state needs to be in the container of NavigationSplitView for changes to propagate - Need to use WindowGroup for navigation bar to work [NavigationSplitView]( > the navigation...
NavigationLink on Mac applies the default button style. We can style it using `ButtonStyle`, here to use plain style we can just ```swift NavigationLink(value: DetailRoute.books) { BooksView() } .buttonStyle(.plain) ```
[EnvironmentValues]( Views in SwiftUI can react to configuration information that they read from the environment using an [Environment]( property wrapper Updated for iOS 17
Use `HStack` with `TextField` and a little extension ```swift extension Binding where Value == Int { var toString: Binding { Binding( get: { "\(wrappedValue)" }, set: { wrappedValue = Int($0)...
For iOS 16 and macOS 13.0 ```swift TextEditor(text: $text) .scrollContentBackground(.hidden) ``` For below, use [[SwiftUI-Introspect](]( ```swift TextEditor(text: $text) .instrospectTextView { $0.drawsBackground = false } ```
[WWDC23]( introduces lots of new additions to SwiftUI, notably Metal shader support with these modifiers - [colorEffect]( Returns a new view that applies shader to self as a filter effect...
Interesting SwiftUI Q&A during WWDC23 ### Observable vs ObservableObject Q: With the new SwiftUI @Observable macro, are there any cases where ObservableObject would still be a better alternative? A: Use...
Interesting SwiftUI Q&A during WWDC21 ### @StateObject or ObservedObject? Q: Letβs say I have a purely SwiftUI flow. I have a ListView with a @StateObject var listFetcher, that makes requests...
[WWDC23]( brings new additions to SwiftUI ## Scrolling > The scroll transition modifier is very similar to the visual effect modifier Curt used earlier for the welcome screen. It lets...
Here are my favorite iOS articles - [Why Your App Looks Better in Sketch ]( - [Managing objects using Locks and Keys in Swift]( - [Proof in Functions]( - [When...