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How to run parallel Task with Swift concurrency
Make an parallelTask function that wraps TaskGroup
public func parallelTask(@ParallelTaskBuilder builder: () -> [ParallelTaskBuilder.Work]) async {
await withTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in
for work in builder() {
group.addTask {
await work.value
public struct ParallelTaskBuilder {
public typealias Work = Task<Void, Never>
public static func buildExpression(_ expression: Work?) -> [Work] {
if let expression = expression {
return [expression]
return []
public static func buildExpression(_ expression: Work) -> [Work] {
public static func buildExpression(_ expression: [Work]) -> [Work] {
public static func buildBlock(_ components: Work...) -> [Work] {
public static func buildBlock(_ components: [Work]...) -> [Work] {
components.reduce([], +)
public static func buildArray(_ components: [[Work]]) -> [Work] {
components.reduce([], +)
public static func buildOptional(_ component: [Work]?) -> [Work] {
component ?? []
public static func buildEither(first component: [Work]) -> [Work] {
public static func buildEither(second component: [Work]) -> [Work] {
async let
The child-task created to initialize the async let by default runs on the global concurrent, width-limited, executor that comes with the Swift Concurrency runtime.