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How to use Universal Links in iOS
Apple app site association
Supporting Associated Domains
New format from iOS 13
Can also remove components
section if we match all URLs
"applinks": {
"details": [
"appIDs": [ "", "" ],
"components": [
"/": "/*",
"comment": "Match all URLs"
Application Identifier Prefix
is in form <Application Identifier Prefix>.<Bundle Identifier>
For Application Identifier Prefix
, you can find it in App Id Prefix
Usually, App Id Prefix is the same as Team Id, but it can be different.
Read Managing Multiple App ID Prefixes
An App ID prefix is a unique identifier used to group a collection of apps so they can share keychain and UIPasteboard data. iOS has two different types of App ID prefixes: a new kind that is your Team ID and an older-style that uses a ten digit alphanumeric string instead of your Team ID. If you have been writing apps for a long time, you may have a number of the older-style prefixes in place, but that would only be the case if you have created additional prefixes yourself (this was only possible prior to the introduction of iCloud in June 2011). Newer app developers who joined the developer program after June 2011 will only have a single App ID prefix associated with their account
Apple hosted file
Starting with macOS 11 and iOS 14, apps no longer send requests for apple-app-site-association files directly to your web server. Instead, they send these requests to an Apple-managed content delivery network (CDN) dedicated to associated domains.
Apple’s Content Delivery Network requests the apple-app-site-association file for your domain within 24 hours. Devices check for updates approximately once per week after app installation.
If we're not using developer mode, we may need to wait for a day for Apple CDN to cache our apple-app-site-association
In Xcode, specifying association domains under Signing & Capabilities -> Associated Domains
While you’re developing your app, if your web server is unreachable from the public internet, you can use the alternate mode feature to bypass the CDN and connect directly to your private domain.
There are 3 modes
- applinks:com.example?mode=developer
- applinks:com.example?mode= managed
- applinks:com.example?mode=developer+ managed
On iOS Device, go to Settings > Developer -> enable Associated Domain Development
To handle universal link, in UISceneDelegate
optional func scene(
_ scene: UIScene,
continue userActivity: NSUserActivity
To troubleshoot for potential universal link error, check Console app and filter for swcd
To enable development mode, go to device or simulator Settings -> Developer -> Associated Domains Development. You should disable this to reach for Apple CDN cache of the association file.
Check Apple CDN
To check if the domain has an association file accessible, check App Search API Validation Tool
We can make a GET request to
to test
curl -v
There can be cases iOS caches the association file, we need to delete the app and install again to check
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