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How to generate Polygon wallet account in Swift
Use libraries
import web3
import web3keystore
import KeychainAccess
private final class KeyStorage: EthereumKeyStorageProtocol {
enum Key: String {
case privateKey
case phrase
private let keychain = Keychain(service: "com.example.myapp")
func storePrivateKey(key: Data) throws {
try keychain.set(key, key: Key.privateKey.rawValue)
func loadPrivateKey() throws -> Data {
if let data = try keychain.getData(Key.privateKey.rawValue) {
return data
} else {
throw EthereumKeyStorageError.failedToLoad
var phrase: String? {
get {
try? keychain.getString(Key.phrase.rawValue)
set {
if let newValue = newValue {
try? keychain.set(newValue, key: Key.phrase.rawValue)
private struct PolygonSeedPhraser {
func generate() throws -> String {
let seed = SECP256K1.generatePrivateKey(),
let mnemonics = BIP39.generateMnemonicsFromEntropy(
entropy: seed,
language: .english
else {
throw PolygonError.invalidMnemonics
return mnemonics
final class PolygonClient {
static let shared = PolygonClient()
let client: EthereumClient
private let storage = KeyStorage()
private let keystorePassword: String = "my_keystore_password"
private init() {
let url = URL(string: "")!
client = EthereumClient(url: .url)
func getAccount() async throws -> EthereumAccount {
try EthereumAccount(
keyStorage: storage,
keystorePassword: keystorePassword
func createAccount() async throws -> PolygonAccount {
let phrase = try PolygonSeedPhraser().generate()
return try await restoreAccount(phrase: phrase)
func restoreAccount(
phrase: String
) async throws -> PolygonAccount {
guard let seed = BIP39.mnemonicsToEntropy(phrase, language: .english) else {
throw PolygonError.invalidMnemonics
return try EthereumAccount.importAccount(
keyStorage: storage,
privateKey: seed.toHexString(),
keystorePassword: keystorePassword
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There are three main steps to get from private -> address: Create a random private key (64 (hex) characters / 256 bits / 32 bytes) Derive the public key from this private key (128 (hex) characters / 512 bits / 64 bytes) Derive the address from this public key. (40 (hex) characters / 160 bits / 20 bytes)
Mnemonic phrases are generated from 128 bits (12 words) to 256 bits (24 words) of entropy. The probability to guess a mnemonic phrase is 2^-128 to 2^-256, which is very small.