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How to make simple Plist builder with resultBuilder in Swift
We can use PropertyListEncoder
from Swift 4
let encoder = PropertyListEncoder()
encoder.outputFormat = .xml
let data = try encoder.encode(model)
Or we can manually do with resultBuilder style
Declare @resultBuilder
for PlistBuilder
that can support if else
import Foundation
enum PlistBuilder {
static func buildBlock(_ components: PlistNode...) -> [PlistNode] {
static func buildBlock(_ components: [PlistNode]...) -> [PlistNode] {
components.flatMap { $0 }
static func buildEither(first component: [PlistNode]) -> [PlistNode] {
static func buildEither(second component: [PlistNode]) -> [PlistNode] {
static func buildOptional(_ component: [PlistNode]?) -> [PlistNode] {
component ?? []
static func buildExpression(_ expression: PlistNode) -> [PlistNode] {
static func buildExpression(_ expression: [PlistNode]) -> [PlistNode] {
static func buildArray(_ components: [[PlistNode]]) -> [PlistNode] {
components.flatMap { $0 }
protocol PlistNode {
func toLines() -> [String]
struct PlistString: PlistNode {
let key: String
let value: String
init(key: String, value: String) {
self.key = key
self.value = value
func toLines() -> [String] {
struct PlistBool: PlistNode {
let key: String
let value: Bool
init(key: String, value: Bool) {
self.key = key
self.value = value
func toLines() -> [String] {
let string = value ? "<true/>" : "<false/>"
return [
struct PlistDict: PlistNode {
var key: String?
var nodes: [PlistNode]
init(key: String? = nil, @PlistBuilder _ builder: () -> [PlistNode]) {
self.key = key
self.nodes = builder()
func toLines() -> [String] {
var lines = [String]()
if let key = key {
contentsOf: nodes
.flatMap { $0.toLines() }
.map { Array(repeating: " ", count: 4) + $0 }
return lines
func toPlistString() -> String {
let content = toLines().joined(separator: "\n")
<?Plist version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
Then we can generate like
let dict = PlistDict {
PlistBool(key: "uploadSymbols", value: exportOptions.uploadSymbols)
PlistBool(key: "uploadBitcode", value: exportOptions.uploadBitcode)
PlistBool(key: "compileBitcode", value: exportOptions.compileBitcode)
PlistString(key: "signingStyle", value: exportOptions.signingStyle.rawValue)
if let teamId = exportOptions.teamId {
PlistString(key: "teamID", value: teamId)
if let signingCertificate = exportOptions.signingCertificate {
PlistString(key: "signingCertificate", value: signingCertificate)
if let profiles = exportOptions.provisioningProfiles {
PlistDict(key: "provisioningProfiles") {
for profile in profiles {
PlistString(key: profile.bundleId, value: profile.profileName)