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How to set date color in UIDatePicker in iOS 13
datePicker.setValue(, forKey: "textColor")
datePicker.setValue(false, forKey: "highlightsToday")
In iOS 14
if #available(iOS 14.0, *) {
datePicker.preferredDatePickerStyle = .wheels
datePicker.tintColor =
Inspect attributes
Hello, iOS 16 doesn't changing todays date colour when I use the above code. Any inputs or workarounds?
Hello, iOS 16 doesn't changing todays date colour when I use the above code. Any inputs or workarounds?
hello, have you resolve this question on iOS 16?
appDelegate.window?.overrideUserInterfaceStyle = .dark my App today alaways black. when I set dark mode the today textcolor change to white