gitlab-integration icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gitlab-integration copied to clipboard

This extension integrates GitLab with Azure Pipelines. With this extension, you will be able to download the sources from a GitLab repository (using clone command) and use downloaded sources in Azure...

Results 21 gitlab-integration issues
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Consider adding support for gitlab v3.

Probably doing something wrong but setup a Release Pipeline with a task to download GitLab repository. I was able to select all the correct information,etc. however when I kick off...

I am missing option GitLab source for build pipeline, to load source from GitLab.

On my gitlab repo, I have several artifacts. Is it possible to choose which one to use?

Hi, I installed 1.0.9 version on TFS2018.3 an created a verified connection to a on-prem GitLab Community Edition 11.0.0. Trying to use in a release definition with **Default version** setting...

Only 20 projects are retrieved by gitlab-integration. In the url below you can see how to extend the call to add pagination. Best,

I have a few questions about how this is to be used. 1) If you're configuring this in a build pipeline, your docs suggest to use the "Download Gitlab repository"...

we have both gitlab and TFS on permise server and i am trying to configure the connection from tfs to gitlab but i am missing to the "server URL" option...

Hi, I have a couple questions. Is it possible to have YAML configuration for azure devops in a self hosted gitlab repo or is it visual designer only?

Hi, Can it build merge requests? Can it be configured to kick off builds for new commits? Related to
