qt-raspberrypi-configuration copied to clipboard
modify to 5.15.0, but fail
When I modify your file to 5.15.0, but when I configure, it fail with error:
g++: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-mfpu=crypto-neon-fp-armv8’
Maybe It shouldn't be "crypto-neon-fp-armv8"? It is Raspberry OS 64 bits
See: https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0774/e/Compiler-Command-line-Options/-mfpu
"The -mfpu option is ignored with AArch64 targets ..."
Although it is not ignored but throws an error, the solution is to just remove this option from the qmake spec. Then it builds fine for me.
Before installing to the Source Dir, edit file: qt-raspberrypi-configuration/linux-rpi4-v3d-g++/qmake.conf
Replace line: QMAKE_CFLAGS += -march=armv8-a -mtune=cortex-a72 -mfpu=crypto-neon-fp-armv8 With: QMAKE_CFLAGS += -march=armv8-a -mtune=cortex-a72
Then execute:
cd qt-raspberrypi-configuration && make install DESTDIR=../qt-everywhere-src-5.15.0
this helped me a bit to understand this issue: https://linaro-toolchain.linaro.narkive.com/7fiKckMa/mfpu-neon-fp-armv8-and-unrecognized-command-line-option
is there anything else needed to adapt this to the 64bit OS except from removing the mfpu option?