
Results 26 comments of Tinker

Hi @eugercek , great work! regarding the defaults shortcut, I would prefer it to be accessible by the left hand. Frequently, we will be using the mouse to select some...

@eugercek great, thanks in advance!

i actually prefer less hints on some websites. eg. google search. Reduced visual clutter and easier to press one letter instead of 2 letters to navigate to a link. cf,...

@b0o that looks interesting, thanks for sharing. i'm just not so keen to maintain the nightmarish class names. With search cards in the result page, it will be quite complex...

i'm trying to do the same. remap to function "Toggle SurfingKeys on current site", (which is currently mapped to ) can't find any documentation on how to various mapkey function...

personal_configures/Surfingkeys-config-ko.js at master · mindgitrwx/personal_configures https://github.com/mindgitrwx/personal_configures/blob/master/Surfingkeys-config-ko.js surfingkeys-conf/keys.js at master · b0o/surfingkeys-conf https://github.com/b0o/surfingkeys-conf/blob/master/keys.js Surfingkeys/l10n.json at master · brookhong/Surfingkeys https://github.com/brookhong/Surfingkeys/blob/master/src/pages/l10n.json (full function list?) referred to these example configs as well.

latest try, map zoom key to +. still doesn't work ``` unmap('zi'); mapkey('+', 'zi'); ``` Reference, Default mappings are not comprehensive · Issue #1325 · brookhong/Surfingkeys https://github.com/brookhong/Surfingkeys/issues/1325

Ended up using autohotkey to do the mapping, shame. ``` #If WinActive("ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1") || WinActive("ahk_class MozillaWindowClass") ; Surfingkeys extension - if is pressed, send !+s:: Send !s #IfWinActive ```

This is a major deal breaker for me, since I use this shortcut so often. Alt+ backspace does not work for me. It gives me this weird character, ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/681355/92910572-c0606c00-f45a-11ea-9217-9a9469260648.png) Found...

suppose we have the mouse-to-gesture mapping, while holding the alt key modifier, scrolling up => swipe left scrolling down => swipe right this gesture is useful in many cases, fullscreen...