CircleIndicator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CircleIndicator copied to clipboard

Circleindicator2 indicator is not visible when navigating to other screen and comes back

Open Abhishek-dev1602 opened this issue 3 years ago • 3 comments

Please look at this issue and provide solution.The background is there but indicator gone.My code is <me.relex.circleindicator.CircleIndicator2 android:id="@+id/recyclerViewIndicator" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="18dip" app:ci_width="10dip" app:ci_height="10dip" android:layout_gravity="center" app:ci_drawable_unselected="@drawable/gray_radius" /> circleind

Abhishek-dev1602 avatar Sep 21 '20 07:09 Abhishek-dev1602


eggham0518 avatar May 14 '21 05:05 eggham0518

Indicators are not showing

AliAzaz avatar Nov 04 '21 20:11 AliAzaz

This worked for me -


Noddy20 avatar Jan 18 '23 17:01 Noddy20