onfido-sdk-ui icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
onfido-sdk-ui copied to clipboard

The Onfido SDK for Front-end JavaScript

Results 52 onfido-sdk-ui issues
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# Problem Analytics code is combined with other services (exceptionHandler, integratorEvents) # Solution Move analytics code into it's own module to clean up and get a clear picture of the...

### What was the expected behaviour? Pass w3c validation ### What happened instead? Do not pass w3c validation ### Version info: - Onfido SDK v.5.11.1 ### Integration configuration: https://latest-onfido-sdk-ui-onfido.surge.sh ###...

### What was the expected behaviour? It would be interesting to have the option to customize the color of the icons via `customUI`. ### What happened instead? No property in...


# Problem Send the selenium session id with every request (if env != production) and added the ability to post response payload or extended payload to the mock server.q #...

# Problem # Solution ## Checklist _put `n/a` if item is not relevant to PR changes_ - [ ] Has the CHANGELOG been updated? - [ ] Has the README...

### What was the expected behaviour? The phone should default to using the camera on the back to take a photo of the passport ### What happened instead? Defaulted to...

# Problem Tests are queuing up against browserstack and we want to execute more tests in less time. # Solution Run headless against firefox ## Checklist _put `n/a` if item...

# Problem # Solution ## Checklist _put `n/a` if item is not relevant to PR changes_ - [ ] Has the CHANGELOG been updated? - [ ] Has the README...

'forceCrossDevice' option in 'poa' would be nice


### What was the expected behaviour? Display the full modal of the SDK ### What happened instead? the class has a 0 height so it appears as a line ![Screenshot...