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breadth-first search in parallel


These are some code pieces of my undergraduation research on breadth-first search in parrallel.

Organization of the Codes

The project consists of three parts:

  1. A naive implementation of bfs in C language. (The algorithm is from CLRS)
  2. Several parrallel versions for Multi-core platform implemented in OpenMP.
  • baseline1: single queue/the num of threads is given by command line argument
  • baseline2: double queues
  • level: the num of threads equals the number of nodes in the current queue
  • bitmap: optimized with a bitmap
  • socket: local socket queue version
  1. Serveral parrallel versions for Many-core platform implemented in NVIDIA CUDA.
  • baseline
  • flexible

They are all tested on computer with 4-sockets CPUs (each one has 8 cores) and a NVIDIA TELSA 2050 graphics card.

About the Test Cases

The test cases are the following 4 kinds:

  1. real graphs from DIAMCS
  2. regular graphs
  3. irregular graph
  4. R-MAT graphs

About the Algorithm

The algorithm described in CLRS looks like algorithm 1

It's simply revised muti-core version should look like algorithm 2 (better because it needs less locked operation)

A better solution is a version using two queues which looks like algorithm 3

When we want to implement BFS on GPU-CUDA environment, the algorithm should be revised further more, becauce CUDA didn't support a dynamic data structures such as queue. What's more, CUDA uses another programming mode called SIMT.


algorithm 1

color[r] = GREY;
Enqueue(CQ, r);
cost[r] = 0;

while CQ is not empty do:
    u = Dequeue(CQ);
    for each v in adjacent to u do:
        if color[v] == WHITE then:
            cost[v] = cost[u] + 1;
            Enqueue(CQ, v);
            color[v] = GREY;
    color[u] = BLACK;



algorithm 2

color[r] = GREY;
Enqueue(CQ, r);
cost[r] = 0;

while CQ is not empty in parallel do:
    u = LockedDequeue(CQ);
    for each v in adjacent to u do:
        if color[v] = WHITE then:
            its_color = LockedReadSet(color[v], BLACK);
            if its_color = WHITE then:
                LockedEnqueue(CQ, v);
                cost[v] = cost[u] + 1;

Baseline with Two Queues

algorithm 3

color[r] = BLACK;
cost[r] = 0;

while CQ is not empty in parallel do:
    u = LockedDequeue(CQ);
    for each v in adjcent to u do:
        if color[v] = WHITE then:
            its_color = LockedReadSet(color[v], BLACK);
            if its_color = WHITE then:  //ensure only one thread access
                LockedEnqueue(NQ, v);   // to node v
                cost[v] = cost[u] + 1;
     Swap(CQ, NQ);

Optimized with a Bitmap

algorithm 4

bitmap[r] = 1;
cost[r] = 0;

while CQ is not empty in parallel do:
    u = LockedDequeue(CQ);
    for each v in adjcent to u do:
        if bitmap[v] = WHITE then:
            its_value = LockedReadSet(bitmap[v], 1);
            if its_value = 0 then:  //ensure only one thread access
                LockedEnqueue(NQ, v);   // to node v
                cost[v] = cost[u] + 1;  
     Swap(CQ, NQ);

Optimized with Inner-sockets Queue

algorithm 5



algorithm 6

color[r] = BLACK;
set_A[0] = r;
cost[r] = 0;
set_size = 1;
level = 0

while set_size != 0  do:
    if level%2 = 0 then:
        kernel(set_A, set_B, ...)
        set_size = new_set_size;
         kernel(set_B, set_A, ...)
         set_size = new_set_size;
     level = level + 1
kernel(CQ, NQ, ...):
    tid = GetThreadNum();
    new_set_size = 0;       //empty NQ
    if tid < set_size then:
        u = CQ[tid];
        cost[u] = level;
        for each v in adjacent to u do:
            if color[v] = WHITE then:
                its_color = LockedReadSet(color[v), BLACK);
                if its_color = WHITE then:
                    write_pos = AtomicAdd(new_size, 1);  // like Enqueue
                    NQ[write_pos] = v;                 // the size is marked by new_size

Optimized with flexible threads

algorithm 7


email: [email protected]