polyfy icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
polyfy copied to clipboard

Add cool polygons to any wallpaper


add cool polygons to any wallpaper


#####about: polyfy is a bash script used to add polygons to images, mainly for the purpose of customizing desktop wallpapers.

Either one or two image files may be specified. If a second image is specified, the center of the second image shall be "cut out" and inserted into the center of the polygon.

By default, the output is saved in the current directory as "[input filename]-polyfy". This may be changed with the --output flag. If the filename that polyfy attempts to use already exists, a number shall be affixed to the end to prevent the existing file from being overwritten.


chmod +x polyfy  
polyfy /path/to/image <options>

#####options: -h or --help Display the instructions

--output <filename> Allows the output filename (and, optionally, directory) to be specified. The file extension should not be given as part of filename.
If a directory is not specified, the file shall be saved in the current directory

The default filename is the input filename suffixed with "-polyfy".
The default directory is the current directory.

If the filename that polyfy attempts to use already exists, a number shall
be affixed to the end, starting with "2".

-r or --rotate <first> <second> Specify the rotations done on the first and second polygon. Split the degrees with a ','

-b or --border-width <number> The border width.

The default value is 10.

--border-color <color> The color of the border.

The default value is white.

--blur <sigma> Amount to blur the image excluding the area inside polygon. The numbers are floating point values, so you can use a very small value like '0.5'.

The default value is 0.

--size <number> The size of polygon as a fraction of image height.

The default value is 2.

-s or --shape <number> What shape should be drawn, defined by the number of sides

By default the shape will be a square.

--saturate <level> Amount to (de)saturate the image exluding the are inside polygon. At -100 the image is completely desaturated and at 100, completely saturated.

The default value is 0.

-n or --negate <colors> Specify which color channels to negate.

The color channels are red, green, and blue and are shortened to just the first letter: r, g, and b. Enter them without any characters or spaces between them.

They can be in any combination or order like: 'g', 'bg' or 'grb'.
Repeating the same channel twice cancels itself out.

By default there will be no negated channels.

-o or --overlay <type> Draw the second polygon over or under the first, or not at all.

Type Description
Over Draw a second polygon over the first one
Under Draw a second polying beneath the first one
None Don't draw a second polygon

The default will be 'over'.


polyfy path/to/image

polyfy the image with the default options

polyfy -s 6 -n br --size 2 -b 20 /path/to/image
  1. polyfy with a hexagon
  2. negate the blue and red channels
  3. with the polygon's side length at 1/2 the image's height
  4. with a border width of 20pt
polyfy path/to/image path/to/second/image

overlay a clipping from the second image onto the first image



  • borders on polygons with an odd number of sides don't play nice with rotation