laravel-blade-snippets-vscode copied to clipboard
Emmet "Wrap with abbreviation" breaks
- Extension Name: laravel-blade
- Extension Version: 1.18.0
- OS Version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.17134
- VSCode version: 1.23.0
"activationTimes": {
"startup": false,
"codeLoadingTime": 271,
"activateCallTime": 35,
"activateResolvedTime": 0,
"activationEvent": "onLanguage:blade"
The blade extention seems to break the Emmet extention's "Wrap with abbreviation" function. When I press my shortcut for it (CTRL+SHIFT+A, I can't remember if I set this myself or that it is default), the window for the abbreviation doesn't appear. Neither does it when I search for the function using the command window (CRTL+SHIFT+P).
When i change the language mode to PHP, it works as expected, so I suspect that the issue lies in the extention.
I hope it is clear, if I can provide more information I'll be happy to help :)
I am seeing this too. "Wrap with abbreviation" does nothing when this extension is enabled.
- Extension Name: laravel-blade
- Extension Version: 1.18.0
- OS Version: Mac OS 10.13.4 (17E202)
- VSCode version: 1.23.1
Same here; when all extensions are disabled, "Wrap with abbreviation works", and when I enable Laravel Blade Snippets it no longer works in files ending in .blade.php
but works fine elsewhere.
Laravel Blade Snippets 1.18.0
Visual Code 1.24.1
macOS 10.13.5
@BramVanBerkel @mattlibera adding the setting "emmet.includeLanguages": {"blade": "html"}
to my User Settings made it work again, even though the extension details says it's no longer needed since 1.14.* - perhaps there was a regression?
@runofthemill yep, can confirm this works. thanks for finding the workaround!