my-mind copied to clipboard
NextCloud Integration
Would it be possible to make integration with NextCloud happen? There is another mind mapping app setup to do this found here but it would be great if users that like the My Mind app better to do the same.
I have no idea what NextCloud is and what kind of interfacing does it offer. Perhaps it could work as a generic WebDAV/REST backend?
Nextcloud is an open and online "hub" environment for apps, file storage, contacts, etc that can be self-hosted.
NextCloud/OwnCloud my-mind webdav
well it seems to work "somehow" using
instead of /remote.php/dav/files/username/
- my-mind cant handle 201
- but saving/ loading works
- though the files apear under a different user than the one currently in the web session
HTTP 201 should be fixed in:
It will need to run through Make before it gets into the main my-mind.js
I've been testing with my own DAV server locally and it works well, 201 doesnt give an alert. I believe NextCloud has WebDAV too, so this could be a great back end.
It will need to run through Make before it gets into the main my-mind.js
Done, and synced to the github-hosted demoversion.
On, if I enter "Generic WebDAV" as the storage target, and click on "Save" without entering an URL, I get this in a modal:
<head><title>405 Not Allowed</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>405 Not Allowed</h1></center>
@joho1968 you need to save your file somewhere. That will be a URL. Without it you get an error. If you have loaded the mindmap from a URL it should populate the box.
On, if I enter "Generic WebDAV" as the storage target, and click on "Save" without entering an URL, I get this in a modal:
...because the demo version at GitHub is hosted via GitHub Pages; this services does not provide any WebDAV endpoints.
@joho1968 I made a little webdav map that you can try:
Saving should work
@joho1968 you need to save your file somewhere. That will be a URL. Without it you get an error. If you have loaded the mindmap from a URL it should populate the box.
Yes, I understand that. Sorry, I should have been more clear in my "report". What I meant to say is that I don't think the button should do anything if the URL field is blank.
What I meant to say is that I don't think the button should do anything if the URL field is blank.
Right, then perhaps you are reporting an unrelated issue "disable the button while the input is empty".
one last hint:
409 Conflict
( see above screenshot) should be handled ,
either by
- "first get then diff then push"
- "open dialog , let user choose to overwrite/rename/whatever"
.. or it might be a real pain