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[Q] : why Softmax function take computed only on abs values and ignore imaginary part
i tried to re-implemented on both of them following this code :+1:
import torch
from torch.nn import functional as F
def complex_softmax(input, dim=None):
"""Applies the complex softmax function to an input tensor.
B , C , Freq,time_d = input.size()
real = F.softmax(input.real, dim=dim)
imaginary = F.softmax(input.imag, dim=dim)
magnitudes = torch.sqrt((real ** 2 + imaginary ** 2))
return (real * magnitudes).view(B*C ,Freq,time_d) * (
imaginary * magnitudes
).view(B,C ,Freq,time_d)
The imaginary part is not ignored.
This is the implementation of the abs method of a torchlex tensor:
def __abs__(self): return self.real**2 + self.imag**2
and the softmax uses it:
def softmax(z, dim): ''' Complex-valued Neural Networks with Non-parametric Activation Functions (Eq. 36) ''' if "ComplexTensor" in z.__class__.__name__: result = torch.softmax(abs(z), dim=dim) else: result = torch.softmax(z, dim=dim) return result
as you can see, even with the relu function: there are many ways to implement the regular activation functions on a complex tensor.
all i have done is implement what i found in the literature, in this case here:
Complex-valued Neural Networks with Non-parametric Activation Functions (Eq. 36)
you can also use the pdf method which mimics the way you get position probabilities from the wave-function in quantum mechanics. the pdf also outputs a probability.
you are correct that there was no consideration of the dim and that needs to be fix. as you know, there are now complex tensors buildin in pytorch so a new library contains complex functions on the pytorch complex tensors is needed.
thank you for the fix!