forrest copied to clipboard
Tried adding in Custom Storage
@omniphx So I have been trying to create my own storage since I already have the tokens for SF and reading the closed and open issues you have recommended to make your own Storage class.
so I created \App\Services\SalesforceDatabaseStorage::class
use App\Helpers\AuthHelper; use App\Models\UserPlatformAccesses; use Omniphx\Forrest\Interfaces\StorageInterface; use App\Http\Controllers\Providers\SalesforceController;
class SalesforceDatabaseStorage implements StorageInterface {
in this I have 4 methods. public function put($key, $value){} public function get($key) {} public function has($key){} public function forget($key) {}
So I tried to just hit it so I could start dd the different methods and make sure what they are looking for.
but I keep getting this error Non-static method App\Services\SalesforceDatabaseStorage::has() cannot be called statically
I tried to make it static then I get this method isn't static of course.
since I'm not calling this method I have no idea what to do or fix.
Also I'm going to try and use rob-lester-jr04/eloquent-sales-force but if I can't get that work I will just go with your package since behind the scenes he is using yours anyways.
Any help or pointing me in the right direction would be great.
Thanks again