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Omise iOS SDK


Omise iOS SDK

Carthage compatible Swift Package Manager compatible CI

Omise is a payment service provider operating in Thailand, Japan, and Singapore. Omise provides a set of APIs that help merchants of any size accept payments online.

The Omise iOS SDK provides bindings for tokenizing credit cards and accepting non-credit-card payments using the Omise API allowing developers to safely and easily accept payments within apps.

If you run into any issues regarding this SDK and the functionality it provides, consult the frequently asked questions in our comprehensive support documents. If you can't find an answer there, feel free to email our support team.


  • Omise API public key. Register for an Omise account to obtain your API keys.
  • iOS 10 or higher deployment target.
  • Xcode 10.2 or higher (Xcode 12 is recommended)
  • Swift 5.0 or higher (Swift 5.3 is recommended)

Merchant Compliance

Card data should never transit through your server. We recommend that you follow our guide on how to safely collect credit information.

To be authorized to create tokens on your own server, you must have a currently valid PCI-DSS Attestation of Compliance (AoC) delivered by a certified QSA Auditor. This SDK provides means to tokenize card data through the end user's mobile phone without this data having to go through your server.



To integrate the OmiseSDK into your Xcode project using Carthage, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Add the following line to your Cartfile:
github "omise/omise-ios"
  1. Run carthage update --use-xcframeworks:
$ carthage update --use-xcframeworks
*** Fetching omise-ios
*** Checking out omise-ios at "..."
*** xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/sd/ccsbmstn2vbbqd7nk4fgkd040000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.X7ZfYB.log
*** Building scheme "OmiseSDK" in OmiseSDK.xcodeproj
  1. Drag the built XCFramework from /Carthage/Build into your project.

For more detailed instructions, please read the official documentation for Carthage.

Swift Package Manager (Xcode 12+)

To integrate the OmiseSDK into your Xcode project using the Swift Package Manager, proceed with the following steps:

  1. In Xcode, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency...
  2. Enter the URL for this repository
  3. Choose a minimum semantic version of v4.14.0


If you cloned this project to your local hard drive, you can also checkout the QuickStart.playground. Otherwise if you'd like all the details, read on:

Omise API

The Omise iOS SDK provides an easy-to-use library for calling the Omise API. The main class for the Omise iOS SDK is Client through which all requests to the Omise API will be sent. Creating a new Client object requires an Omise public key.

import OmiseSDK

let client = OmiseSDK.Client.init(publicKey: "omise_public_key")

The SDK currently supports 2 main categories of the requests: Tokenizing a Credit Card and Creating a Payment Source.

Creating a Card Token

Normally, merchants must not send credit or debit card data to their own servers. So, in order to collect a credit card payment from a customer, merchants will need to tokenize the credit card data using Omise API first and then use the generated token in place of the card data. You can tokenize credit card data by creating and initializing a Request<Token> like so:

let tokenParameters = Token.CreateParameter(
    name: "JOHN DOE",
    number: "4242424242424242",
    expirationMonth: 11,
    expirationYear: 2022,
    securityCode: "123"

let request = Request<Token>(parameter: tokenParameters)

Creating a Payment Source

Omise now supports many payment methods other than credit cards. You may request a payment with one of those supported payment methods from a customer by calling CreateSourceParameter API. You need to specify the parameters (e.g. payment amount and currency) of the source you want to create by creating and initializing a Request<Source> with the Payment Information object:

let paymentInformation = PaymentInformation.internetBanking(.bbl) // Bangkok Bank Internet Banking payment method
let sourceParameter = CreateSourceParameter(
    paymentInformation: paymentInformation,
    amount: amount,
    currency: currency

let request = Request<Source>(parameter: sourceParameter)

Sending the Request

Whether you are charging a source or a card, sending the request is the same. Create a new requestTask on a Client object with the completion handler block and call resume on the requestTask:

let requestTask = client.requestTask(with: request, completionHandler: completionHandler)

You may also send a request by calling the send(_:completionHandler:) method on the Client.

client.send(request) { [weak self] (result) in
  guard let s = self else { return }

  // switch result { }

Creating the completion handler

A simple completion handler for a token looks like this.

func completionHandler(tokenResult: Result<Token, Error>) -> Void {
    switch tokenResult {
    case .success(let value):
        // do something with Token id
    case .failure(let error):

Built-in Forms

Omise iOS SDK provides easy-to-use drop-in UI forms for both Tokenizing a Credit Card and Creating a Payment Source which you can easily integrate into your app.

Credit Card Form

The CreditCardFormViewController provides a pre-made credit card form and will automatically tokenize credit card information for you. You only need to implement two delegate methods and a way to display the form.

Use Credit Card Form in code

To use the controller in your application, modify your view controller with the following additions:

import OmiseSDK // at the top of the file

class ViewController: UIViewController {
  private let publicKey = "pkey_test_123"

  @IBAction func displayCreditCardForm() {
    let creditCardView = CreditCardFormViewController.makeCreditCardFormViewController(withPublicKey: publicKey)
    creditCardView.delegate = self
    creditCardView.handleErrors = true

    present(creditCardView, animated: true, completion: nil)

Then implement the delegate to receive the Token object after user has entered the credit card data:

extension ViewController: CreditCardFormViewControllerDelegate {
  func creditCardFormViewController(_ controller: CreditCardFormViewController, didSucceedWithToken token: Token) {

    // Sends `Token` to your server to create a charge, or a customer object.

  func creditCardFormViewController(_ controller: CreditCardFormViewController, didFailWithError error: Error) {

    // Only important if we set `handleErrors = false`.
    // You can send errors to a logging service, or display them to the user here.

Alternatively you can also push the view controller onto a UINavigationController stack like so:

@IBAction func displayCreditCardForm() {
  let creditCardView = CreditCardFormViewController.makeCreditCardFormViewController(publicKey)
  creditCardView.delegate = self
  creditCardView.handleErrors = true

  // This View Controller is already in a UINavigationController stack
  show(creditCardView, sender: self)
Use Credit Card Form in Storyboard

CreditCardFormViewController comes with built-in storyboard support. You can use CreditCardFormViewController in your storybard by using Storyboard Reference. Drag the Storyboard Reference object onto your canvas and set its bundle identifier to co.omise.OmiseSDK and Storyboard to OmiseSDK. You can either leave Referenced ID empty or use CreditCardFormController as a Referenced ID You can setup CreditCardFormViewController in UIViewController.prepare(for:sender:) method

override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
  if segue.identifier == "PresentCreditFormWithModal",
    let creditCardFormNavigationController = segue.destination as? UINavigationController,
    let creditCardFormViewController = creditCardFormNavigationController.topViewController as? CreditCardFormViewController {
      creditCardFormViewController.publicKey = publicKey
      creditCardFormViewController.handleErrors = true
      creditCardFormViewController.delegate = self
Custom Credit Card Form

You can create your own credit card form if you want to but please keep in mind that you must not send the credit card information to your server. Omise iOS SDK provides some built-in credit card UI components to make it easier to create your own credit card form:

  • CardNumberTextField - Provides basic number grouping as the user types.
  • CardNameTextField - Cardholder name field.
  • CardExpiryDateTextField - Provides card expiration date input and styling
  • CardExpiryDatePicker - UIPickerView implementation that has a month and year column.
  • CardCVVTextField - CVV number field.

Additionally fields turn red automatically if their content fails basic validation (e.g. alphabetic characters in the number field, content with wrong length, etc.) and come in 2 supported styles, plain and border.

Built-in Payment Creator Controller

The PaymentCreatorController provides a pre-made form to let a customer choose how they want to make a payment. Please note that the PaymentCreatorController is designed to be used as-is. It is a subclass of UINavigationController and you shouldn't push your view controllers into its navigation controller stack. You can configure it to display either specified payment method options or a default list based on your country.

Use Payment Creator Controller in code

You can create a new instance of PaymentCreatorController by calling its factory method:

let allowedPaymentMethods = PaymentCreatorController.thailandDefaultAvailableSourceMethods

let paymentCreatorController = PaymentCreatorController.makePaymentCreatorControllerWith(
  publicKey: publicKey,
  amount: paymentAmount,
  currency: Currency(code: paymentCurrencyCode),
  allowedPaymentMethods: allowedPaymentMethods,
  paymentDelegate: self
present(paymentCreatorController, animated: true, completion: nil)

Then implement the delegate to receive the Payment object after user has selected:

extension ProductDetailViewController: PaymentCreatorControllerDelegate {
  func paymentCreatorController(_ paymentCreatorController: PaymentCreatorController, didCreatePayment payment: Payment) {

    // Sends selected `Token` or `Source` to your server to create a charge, or a customer object.

  func paymentCreatorController(_ paymentCreatorController: PaymentCreatorController, didFailWithError error: Error) {
    let alertController = UIAlertController(title: "Error", message: error.localizedDescription, preferredStyle: .alert)
    let okAction = UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .cancel, handler: nil)
    paymentCreatorController.present(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil)

    // Only important if we set `handleErrors = false`.
    // You can send errors to a logging service, or display them to the user here.

  func paymentCreatorControllerDidCancel(_ paymentCreatorController: PaymentCreatorController) {
Use Payment Creator Controller in Storyboard

PaymentCreatorController comes with built-in storyboard support. You can use PaymentCreatorController in your storybard by using Storyboard Reference. Drag Storyboard Reference object onto your canvas and set its bundle identifier to co.omise.OmiseSDK and Storyboard to OmiseSDK and PaymentCreatorController as a Referenced ID You can setup PaymentCreatorController in UIViewController.prepare(for:sender:) method

override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
  if segue.identifier == "PresentCreditFormWithModal",
  let paymentCreatorController = segue.destination as? UINavigationController {
    paymentCreatorController.publicKey = self.publicKey
    paymentCreatorController.paymentAmount = paymentAmount
    paymentCreatorController.paymentCurrency = paymentCurrency
    paymentCreatorController.allowedPaymentMethods = allowedPaymentMethods
    paymentCreatorController.paymentDelegate = self

Authorizing Payment

Some payment methods require the customers to authorize the payment via an authorized URL. This includes the 3-D Secure verification, Internet Banking payment, Alipay. The Omise iOS SDK provides a built-in class to do the authorization.

Using built-in Authorizing Payment view controller

You can use the built-in Authorizing Payment view controller by creating an instance of OmiseAuthorizingPaymentViewController and set it with authorized URL given with the charge and expected return URL patterns those were created by merchants.

Create an OmiseAuthorizingPaymentViewController by code

You can create an instance of OmiseAuthorizingPaymentViewController by calling its factory method

let handlerController = OmiseAuthorizingPaymentViewController.makeAuthorizingPaymentViewControllerNavigationWithAuthorizedURL(url, expectedReturnURLPatterns: [expectedReturnURL], delegate: self)
self.present(handlerController, animated: true, completion: nil)
Use OmiseAuthorizingPaymentViewController in Storyboard

OmiseAuthorizingPaymentViewController also comes with built-in storyboard support like CreditCardFormViewController. You can use OmiseAuthorizingPaymentViewController in your storyboard by using Storyboard Reference. Drag Storyboard Reference object onto your canvas and set its bundle identifier to co.omise.OmiseSDK and Storyboard to OmiseSDK then use DefaultAuthorizingPaymentViewController as a Referenced ID. You can setup OmiseAuthorizingPaymentViewController in UIViewController.prepare(for:sender:) method

override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
  if segue.identifier == "AuthorizingPaymentViewController",
    let omiseAuthorizingPaymentController = segue.destination as? OmiseAuthorizingPaymentViewController {
      omiseAuthorizingPaymentController.delegate = self
      omiseAuthorizingPaymentController.authorizedURL = authorizedURL
      omiseAuthorizingPaymentController.expectedReturnURLPatterns =  [ URLComponents(string: "")! ]
Receive Authorizing Payment events via the delegate

OmiseAuthorizingPaymentViewController send Authorizing Payment events to its delegate when there's an event occurred.

extension ViewController: OmiseAuthorizingPaymentViewControllerDelegate {
  func omiseAuthorizingPaymentViewController(_ viewController: OmiseAuthorizingPaymentViewController, didCompleteAuthorizingPaymentWithRedirectedURL redirectedURL: URL) {
    // Handle the `redirected URL` here

  func omiseAuthorizingPaymentViewControllerDidCancel(_ viewController: OmiseAuthorizingPaymentViewController) {
    // Handle the case that user tap cancel button.

Objective-C Compatibility

Omise iOS SDK comes with full Objective-C support. The SDK is designed with the Swift language as a first-class citizen and adopts Swift-only features in the SDK, but it also provides an Objective-C counterpart for those features. If you found an API that is not available in Objective-C, please don't hestitate to open an issue.


Pull requests, issues, and bugfixes are welcome!


MIT See the full license text