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A brief example of the use of the Zigvale library in a bare-bones kernel.

Zigvale Barebones Kernel

This is a brief example of how to use the Zigvale library for the stivale2 boot protocol in a simple kernel. Zigvale can be found here.


To build this, you will need a recent build of Zig, and the zigmod package manager.

# Fetch Zigvale & Limine bootloader
zigmod ci

# Build the kernel
zig build iso



To run this with QEMU, you (obviously) need QEMU installed with x86 support.

# Run the kernel in QEMU
zig build run

Bare Metal

The kernel is built for x86. To run it, flash the iso you built (found in zig-out/iso/zigvale-barebones.iso) to a removable medium, and boot to it.