7-Zip-JBinding-4Android copied to clipboard
Compatibility of the library with SAF?
Is there a way to use this library with an Outputstream obtained by SAF in android.
For example to compress on an external memory card I cannot use:
raf = new RandomAccessFile(zipPath, "rw");
outArchiveZip = SevenZip.openOutArchiveZip();
outArchiveZip.createArchive(new RandomAccessFileOutStream(raf),//
items.length, new CallBackZip());
RandomAccessFile is not compatible with SAF.
Of course I can compress on the internal storage and then copy , but obviously that's not ideal.
Thank you.
I'm afraid sevenzipjbinding does not include an OutStream implementation that uses OutputStream.
You will need to create such a class yourself by implementing the IOutStream interface in sevenzipjbinding.
For reference you can look at the following two existing OutStream implementations provided with sevenzipjbinding:
Okay, I'll see if I can implement it later and come back later to share.
For the moment, in the case of a creation, I keep the Zip4j library which allows to work with an outputstream.
@fiasko131 I've implemented a perfectly functional Helper/wrapper for this lib that works with SAF (API21+)
It's been tested by many users with different devices 👍
However it only reads archives. Creating archives is not a use case for my app, but maybe you can get inspiration from what I did...
@fiasko131 Any luck with SAF in extraction & compression?