awsctl copied to clipboard
Control AWS infrastructure easily from a single command line written in Go
This is a small maintanence tool for managing aws infrastructure easily with a single binary on a region or all regions at a single command
Tool is built using cobra, for getting started just run awsctl
and see the example commands available.
To use the tool with dry run just run the command, the really execute add --yes
Optional output as json using -o json
WIP: Optionl slack message using --slack
and setting environment variable AWSCTL_SLACK_URL
# Use go modules add the following env var GO111MODULE=on
go build -ldflags "-s -w"
Example commands
Get all EC2 events from all regions
awsctl get ec2 events -r all
List regions
awsctl list regions
List availablity zones in a region
awsctl list azs --region us-east-1
Delete all unused EBS in all regions
awsctl delete ebs --region all --yes
Set cloudwatch logs with no expirey to 14 days expiry
awsctl set cloudwatch --region all --retention 14 --yes
Manage RDS insatnces or clusters
awsctl get rds --region all --type instance #or cluster
awsctl get rdssnapshots --region all --type instance --name db01
awsctl delete rdssnapshots --name db01 --type instance --region all --older 14 --yes
ECR Opertaion for setting lifecycle policy to untagged repositories
awsctl set ecrregistrypolicy -r eu-west-2 --retention 7
ECR Repository configuration to scanOnPush repository for vulnerabilities
awsctl set ecrscanonpush --region eu-west-1 --scan true --yes
awsctl set ecrscanonpush --region all --scan true --yes
ACM Certificates
awsctl get certificates --region ue-east-1 # Get all expiring and expired certificates in region or all regions, for all expiring certificates it analyses why aren't the certificates being renewed automatically
awsctl delete certificates --region all --yes # Delete all unused certificates from the account
Cloudwatch Alarms
Currently tested on
metric for lambda
# Single lambda
awsctl set cloudwatchalarm --resource lambda --metric errors --region eu-west-2 --arn arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-2:000000000000:function:test --threshold 3 --action arn:aws:sns:eu-west-2:000000000000:SNSToSlack --yes
# All lambdas
awsctl set cloudwatchalarm --resource lambda --metric errors --region eu-west-2 --threshold 3 --action arn:aws:sns:eu-west-2:000000000000:SNSToSlack --yes
# All lambdas in all regions
awsctl set cloudwatchalarm --resource lambda --metric errors --region all --threshold 3 --action arn:aws:sns:eu-west-2:000000000000:SNSToSlack --yes
Delete network interfaces
awsctl delete ni --region eu-west-2 --filter available --yes
Delete old ECR images in a region or in all regions
awsctl delete ecr -r eu-west-2 --keep 20 --yes # This will keep 20 newest images for all repositories in the region
Get simple reservation status on all of your regions
awsctl get ri -r all
For any missing action please open an issue for a feature request.
Fork, implement, add tests, pull request, get my everlasting thanks and a respectable place here :).
Copyright (c) 2019 Omer Haim, @omerhaim. See LICENSE for further details.