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Update on Extended Rotten Tomatoes Information
Can we have an update on whether or not we will eventually get access to the extended RT information that was previously available? Or has Rotten Tomatoes removed that information completely from their API never to return?
The Rotten Tomatoes data was removed to comply with a legal request from Fandango (who owns Rotten Tomatoes).
That's why the overall rating structure was changed to relay data from a 3rd party source which I do not control:
I cannot use/store the Rotten Tomatoes information, but you might be able to! They still provide an API that you can request access to use here:
I have requested access from Fandango, unfortunately it has been months and they have not gotten back to me at all. Is this third party source available for me to use in another open-source project?
The last information I have from Rotten Tomatoes is that they charge for access to their API. Like you, I never heard back from them after I applied for access.
What about the rotten tomatoes ID (and others, like meta critics), is that something you can legally provide, so we could rely on that to query their api?
@QuentinBellus I think the larger concern is that neither Rotten Tomatoes or Metacritic provide free access to their API (does Metacritic even have an official API?) In fact, as mentioned by both myself and @josezulu, our attempts to contact Rotten Tomatoes for more information and pricing for access to their API have been met with silence. While this is pure speculation, I would posit that they are only interested in providing API access to corporate entities that have large sums of cash handy or otherwise have strategic partnership value.
@kaptainkommie I understand that -- I also opened a request for RT, but I guess I won't have any answer like you guys. I was only asking because it seems odd that the omdbApi is able to provide a rating for RT/Metacritics (or others) but not the ID. It could be useful to simply link their page directly.
It's a shame they're not interested in giving open access to their api ..
@QuentinBellus since we don't have access to the source code, @omdbapi is probably the only one that can tell you how he's obtaining that information.
This might sound a bit off topic but I really appreciate if we could contribute to providing and updating information related to RT ratings. Currently, newly released movies don't have their scores updated after around 10 days or so. Allowing a specific set of users to contribute and make sure the scores stay fresh would be a great plus.
@eliehaykal Are you saying that the omdbAPI doesn't update Rotten Tomatoes ratings after 10 days or so even though the RT's website continuously updats ratings?
Or are you saying that Rotten Tomatoes itself (ie:, does not update its ratings after 10 days or so?
@kaptainkommie I think he means omdb doesn't update from RT -- Although I just tried comparing 10 movies, and the only discrepancy I could find was "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" which has 82% in omdbapi, and 81% on RT's website.
@kaptainkommie @QuentinBellus If you take a look at The Hitman's Bodyguard on OMDB you will notice that it does not have RT ratings. This is what I was referring to in my post. If someone could help update recently released movies, then that would be great.
@QuentinBellus I absolutely plan on adding the identifiers/URL's for RottenTomatoes/Metacritic/Box Office Mojo/Netflix etc.
@kaptainkommie I no longer store ratings (due to legal issues) and merely relay them from a 3rd party of which I have a few sources for like Wikidata:
@eliehaykal I just forced an update on "The Hitman's Bodyguard" so it should be returning the most recent data.
I'm also working on getting the REST features implemented soon so everyone can push updates to the API directly.
@omdbapi That's great news about the IDs, thanks! For the REST features, how will it work about security? If anyone can push updates it might become very unreliable..
@omdbapi Thanks for the push. RT ratings now show. @QuentinBellus I agree, it needs to be controlled and assigned to a predefined set of contributors.
@omdbapi Any idea when you'll add other IDs to the api? (at least a time frame to have an idea)
@QuentinBellus -
For the REST features, how will it work about security? If anyone can push updates it might become very unreliable..
Not sure here, and maybe @omdbapi can elaborate, but if ratings aren't being stored as previously mentioned, how can updates even be pushed? Are we pushing them to the underlying 3rd party sources using @omdbapi 's credentials? Or are we creating some sort of database that overrides whatever values that are retrieved from those sources?
@omdbapi Do we have any update on this issue? I would kill to have the RT average rating displayed on an IMDB page -_-