YOLO_Google-Cloud copied to clipboard
Object detection not working
I've managed to setup everything right, and the website with a video steam work just fine. But I'm not detecting any object in the video stream (I'm in the camera view, so a person should have been detected).
Here is what I get on the server side in my GCP SSH Terminal:
INFO:ice:Connection(0) ICE failed DEBUG:ice:controlled - checking -> failed DEBUG:dtls:client - State.NEW -> State.CONNECTING DEBUG:dtls:client x DTLS handshake failed (connection error) DEBUG:dtls:client - State.CONNECTING -> State.FAILED ICE connection state is failed DEBUG:ice:controlled - failed -> closed ICE connection state is closed
@dimitri320 did you resolved the issue. I am too getting the same issue
I solved my issue by adding a STUN server link. I added the configuration of RTC Peerconnection as follow:
var config = { sdpSemantics: 'unified-plan' };
config.iceServers = [{urls: ['stun:stun.l.google.com:19302']}];
pc = new RTCPeerConnection(config);