clash2sing-box icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
clash2sing-box copied to clipboard

Convert clash client outbounds to sing-box format

中文(zh-cn) | English

Outbound converting Supports

  • [x] Shadowsocks
  • [x] http
  • [x] socks
  • [x] VMess
  • [x] Trojan
  • [x] Hysteria
  • [x] ShadowsocksR
  • [x] VLESS VLESS had been abandoned. Consider use Trojan instead. See detail
  • [ ] TUIC sing-box not support tuic yet
  • [ ] ShadowTLS Clash.Meta not support Shadow-tls yet

Generate minimal sing-box profile from clash profile (local path or url)

./ctos -s "http://<...>" gen > config.json

# or
./ctos -s "./config.yaml" gen > config.json

This will generate minimal avaliable sing-box format profile from exist clash config.

Parse clash config

./ctos -s "./config.yaml" show  

# show proxies name list by adding `-t`
./ctos -s "./config.yaml" show -t 

This will get converted proxies list from clash profile, and tag names (if --tags added).
You could manualy append it into sing-box config.

Append to existed config

./ctos -s "./config.yaml" append --dst ./config.json  

web app



self host

git clone
cd clash2sing-box/web
trunk serve --open


> ./ctos --help
Usage: ctos [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  show    Show sing-box proxies info from clash profile
  gen     Generate sing-box profile from clash format
  append  Append new clash proxies to existed sing-box profile [WIP]
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -s, --source <SOURCE>  clash config path (url)
  -h, --help             Print help
  -V, --version          Print version

Nix flake support

Try run application directly on machine with nix installed:

nix run github:oluceps/clash2sing-box -- -s "<subscribe link>" show --tags
# or any other actions


  • [ ] Clash rule converting

  • [x] Subcommand append, to extend new content into config

  • [x] Simple and easy-to-use web app

  • [ ] Auto update with systemd service, with NixOS module
