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Rethink the UI
The UI would need an update:
- Who needs year/all reports anyways?
- Month list/selector
- Daterange selector
- More swipeable or tab based views
- Add some design love
Please comment if you have ideas for the UI
Are you still interested in this? I think have some ideas that might be useful and maybe could provide you with a mockup for a new main view.
Yes, please do! @fllp The only restriction that I have is that the UI should be "sailfishy" i.e. use the native UI elements.
Ok, so I put together a quick and dirty mockup for the main page. No real UI preview, just as a concept wireframe.
The ideas behind the mockup:
- no buttons except for time tracking
- a task overview for current project
- stats for the last to months in a small view area (akin to a side bar)
I haven't included that to the mockup yet as I don't know a good place to put it
As you noted above all/year reports might not be that useful so those are not included. Maybe there could be an extra page with complete statistics?
additional ideas
- timers I very much like the circular timer design of the Sailfish Clock App. Maybe these would fit in the UI of wht as well, e.g. for the break timer? I don't know how easy an integration of the Silica modules would be
- statistics That is more functionality than UI, still: It would be quite useful to have a statistic about overtimes when there's a default duration specified in the settings