@DJCHICKEN4 Yes i did....i have tried this many times and it wont work.....Please what would you suggest the problem is? Also what do you think the solution is?
@Parshuram2 Have you solved this issue?
@DJCHICKEN4 Please keep us posted with solution as soon as you are able to figure it out.....Thanks
@DJCHICKEN4 Okay bro, thanks. Will be waiting for a news from you.
@DJCHICKEN4 Thanks so much for your effort bro. We really appreciate it. Cheers
@jofpin @DJCHICKEN4 Jofpin, can you please help us push the patch by Djchicken4 in order ro resolve the Ngrok issue.
@DJCHICKEN4 Bro, I will like to have some discussion with you. please contact me on my ICQ: 725219077 Or on my Skype @cuteworks69