ololord copied to clipboard
Imageboard in C++
=============================================================================== ololord
Homepage: https://github.com/ololoepepe/ololord
Author: Andrey Bogdanov ([email protected])
License: GNU GPLv3 (see COPYING.txt)
ololord is an imageboard engine written in C++.
============================================================================== Overview
ololord is a simple, lightweight imageboard engine. It provides basic features, like Google captcha support and user (un)banning.
Functionality may be easily extended with the help of plugins.
============================================================================== Dependencies
In order to build and use ololord you will need the same libraries and tools as for every other project using Qt.
See: http://qt-project.org/resources/getting_started for details.
ololord is intended for use with Qt 5, or with Qt 4.8. Support of Qt libraries' versions lower than 4.8.0 is not guaranteed.
You will also need BeQt libraries version 4.1.0 or higher.
See: https://github.com/ololoepepe/BeQt for details.
The following libraries are also required:
- CppCMS (http://cppcms.com/wikipp/en/page/main)
- ODB (http://www.codesynthesis.com/products/odb)
- libcurl (http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl)
- curlpp (https://code.google.com/p/curlpp)
- boost (Regex) (http://www.boost.org)
- GNU Source-Highlight (https://www.gnu.org/software/src-highlite)
- libmagic (http://www.darwinsys.com/file/)
- TagLib (https://taglib.github.io/)
ImageMagick is used for creating PDF thumbnails. It may be downloaded here: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php
ffmpeg is used for creating video thumbnail. It may be downloaded here: https://www.ffmpeg.org/download.html
ololord uses IPInfoDB database for geolocation. You have to download the appropriate DB file (in CSV format) yourself and convert it into SQLite 3 database using the script (bin/ipinfodb-convert.sh). The .csv file may be downloaded here: http://lite.ip2location.com/database-ip-country-region-city (registration is required). After downloading the file, run: bin/ipinfodb-convert.sh <path/to/file.csv> And place the resulting ip2location.sqlite database file into the geolocation application directory (either shared or user). For example, in a UNIX-like system: "/usr/share/ololord/geolocation/ip2location.sqlite". Note: Geolocation is really fast (~5 milliseconds per query).
============================================================================== Building and installing (briefly)
In order to build ololord, just cd into the sources directory and execute the following commands:
"qmake [BEQT_PREFIX=
] [CPPCMS_PREFIX= ] [ODB_PREFIX= ] [ODB_QT_PREFIX= ] [LIBCURL_PREFIX= ] [CURLPP_PREFIX= ] [BOOST_PREFIX= ] [SRCHILITE_PREFIX= ] [LIBMAGIC_PREFIX= ] [TAGLIB_PREFIX= ]" Here, the paths to BeQt, CppCMS, ODB, ODB-Qt, libcurl, curlpp, boost and GNU Source-Highlight may be specified -
"make" or other similar command ("nmake", "mingw32-make", etc.)
"make install" You may need the superuser privileges in UNIX-like systems
Note: When building from the command line, you have to configure the environment (path to Qt libraries, etc.).
You may also use Qt Creator. After building the project, cd to the output directory and execute the "make install" command, or configure automatic execution of that command in Qt Creator.
See: http://qt-project.org/doc/qtcreator-2.6 for details.
============================================================================== Building and installing (in detail)
When building ololord, you may pass some parameters to qmake:
"LORD_CONFIG+=builtin_resources" Embed resources (including translations) into executable file See: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/resources.html for details
"LORD_CONFIG+=no_install" Don't install any files (building only)
"LORD_CONFIG+=headers" Install headers (required for creating plugins)
"LORD_CONFIG+=libs" Install libs (required for creating plugins)
" Set path to BeQt libraries. Must be used if BeQt libraries were installed to a custom location -
" Set path to CppCMS libraries. Must be used if CppCMS libraries were installed to a custom location and must be used anyway on Windows -
" Set path to ODB libraries. Must be used if ODB libraries were installed to a custom location and must be used anyway on Windows -
" Set path to ODB-Qt library. Must be used if ODB-Qt library was installed to a custom location and must be used anyway on Windows. This path defaults to ODB_PREFIX, but may be explicitly set if using several Qt versions and several ODB-Qt libraries linked against them -
" Set path to libcurl. Must be used if libcurl was installed to a custom location and must be used anyway on Windows -
" Set path to curlpp library. Must be used if curlpp library were installed to a custom location and must be used anyway on Windows -
" Set path to boost libraries. Must be used if boost libraries were installed to a custom location -
" Set path to GNU Source-Highlight library. Must be used if the library was installed to a custom location and must be used anyway on Windows -
" Set path to libmagic library. Must be used if the library was installed to a custom location and must be used anyway on Windows. Note: The recommended implementation is http://www.darwinsys.com/file/ -
" Set path to TagLib library. Must be used if the library was installed to a custom location and must be used anyway on Windows. -
" Set path to SQLite library. Must be used if the library was installed to a custom location and must be used anyway on Windows -
" Set install path. See the note below -
" Set install path for executable file. See the note below -
" Set install path for headers. See the note below -
" Set install path for resources. See the note below -
" Set install path for headers. See the note below
Note: In Windows systems ololord is installed to the "C:\Program files\ololord" directory (or other similar directory, depending on your system) by default. Executable file and resources are installed to the corresponding subdirectories.
In UNIX-like systems the directory structure during installation looks like this:
"/usr/bin/ololord" Path to executable file
"/usr/lib" Path to libs
"/usr/share/ololord" Path to resources
"/usr/include/ololord" Path to headers
You may set another installation path. To do so, pass the corresponding parameter to qmake (see above).
Warning: Don't use paths containing spaces. In Windows systems you may replace directory names, containing spaces, with the corresponding short names:
See: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/142982 for details.
============================================================================== FAQ
Q: What are ololord license restrictions? A: There are almost no restrictions. You may use ololord as you wish, but don't forget that this statement doesn't apply to the Qt libraries. See: COPYING.txt, http://qt-project.org/products/licensing for details.
Q: I'm having troubles using ololord, where can I get help? A: E-mail/Jabber: [email protected]
Q: I've detected a bug/I have an idea, where can I report/post it? A: See the answer above.
============================================================================== Deploying
When deploying ololord, don't forget to include the resource files (images, translations, etc. - see above).
It's recommended to build applications statically, because that helps avoid dependency issues. You may use the "builtin_resources" parameter in case of building your project statically.
For details, see: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/deployment.html#static-vs-shared-libraries
============================================================================== Writing plugins
To write your own plugins for customizing ololord, just include the depend.pri file installed in the resources location into your .pro file and specify some parameters to qmake (see section Building and installing).
Currently the only supported plugin type is "board-factory" (include plugins/BoardFactoryPluginInterface).
The boards provided by this plugin overwrites the built-in ones if their names match.
To provide your own translations, you have to register the translations file using Translato::registerTranslator. Do not include the locale name suffix.
Once compiled, the plugin must be placed in the ololord user plugins directory ("/home/user/.ololord/lib/ololord/plugins on UNIX-like systems").
============================================================================== Customizing
To customize the appearance of your site, you may overwrite builtin CSS, images, etc. by placing the files with the same names to the ololord user resources location ("/home/user/.ololord/share/ololord" on UNIX-like systems).
For the file/directory structure see the sources (src/lib).
The rules displayed in the home page and boards must be located in the "rules" subdirectory. Those files must be named like so: "rules_ru.txt", "rules_en_US.txt" or "rules.txt" (the last name will be used as a default). Rules displayed in the home page must be placed in the "rules/home" directory, and rules for the boards must be placed in the "rules/board_name" directory, where board_name is, well, the board name. The rules form the files located in the "rules" directory itself will be prepended to the rules on each board (but not to the rules on the home page).
Custom pages are not yet supported. They will be added in future releases in a form of plugins.