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Here is a curation of awesome tools built by 🇧🇯 beninese developers. This selection is not necessarily complete.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Address book - Carnet d'adresses avec MySQL - C'est une application qui permet d'enregistrer des informations importantes de vos contacts, avec utilisation du pattern DAO. By @leplutonien
- - Desktop notification for CI pipelines. By @shadai_ali
- Android RIL Hack - PA miserable code for desperately trying to communicate directly with the RIL from High Layer Android App. By @shadai_ali
- android-sdk - Android Sdk for KKIAPAY API. By @kkiapay
- Angular6 Bootstrap4 Firebase E-commerce Application - E-commerce web app based on angular 6, bootstrap 4 and firebase. By @shadonet
- Angular JS XLSX - An angular directive to read XLSX / XLSM / XLSB / XLS / SpreadsheetML (Excel Spreadsheet). By @brexis
- auth-basic - A simple Flask API template with JWT authentication. By @nelsonkamga
- awesome-livewire - A curated list of awesome things related to Hugo. By @dehboris
- Axios Rest - A simple axios wrapper to make rest api call delightful. By @EldoMagan
- Battle Company Review App - A mini Glassdoor Review clone written with Flask for the Python Framework Battle (courtesy of Python Benin). By @nelsonkamga
- BJ Mobile Phone - A minimal module to validate Beninese mobile phone numbers. By @fabriscorol
- benintechjobs-api - Le job board ultime dans l'industrie tech au Bénin. By @jgantindev
- bestnine-frontend - A spin-off of Best Nine based on Unsplash's API. By @nelsonkamga
- bj-decoupage-territorial - API pour récupérer les départements, communes, arrondissements et les quartiers du Bénin. By @jgantindev
- Bootstrap Tour - Quick and easy product tours with Twitter Bootstrap Popovers. By @sorich87
- BrowserLog - Log Viewer for Masonite Framework. By @jgantindev
- CardForm - A ready-made pretty interactive card form that can be included in your Android app, making it easy to accept credit and debit cards. By @shadai_ali
- Centroid - Basic android library to calculate the centroid of given points. By @sethgnavo
- Cine Angular App - Web App de cinéma. By @eduleboss
- Simple CMS Symfony - A simple CMS built on Symfony 4. By @homescriptone
- Codecs - Encode, Decode type file. By @corentin_alloh
- country-code - A simple country list with call code & ISO code. By @tigamadou
- CourisTic - Mobile Travel App By @david95thinkcode and @donJusto
- Crypto List - Learn Angular fondammentals by building a simple cryptocurrency tracker. By @jgantindev
- CSV To Mixpanel - Import people from a CSV file to Mixpanel. By @sorich87
- cookiecutter-fastapi - Cookiecutter fastapi is a framework for jumpstarting production-ready fastapi projects quickly. By @Tobi-De
- decoupage_territorial_benin - Fichier du découpage territorial du Bénin utilisable par les devs. By @leplutonien
- Docker for Django - A template to easily build a Django project in a Docker container. By @homescriptone
- export-users-to-csv - Exports WordPress users data and metadata to a CSV file. By @sorich87
- express-mail - Easy email delivery from Express apps. By @sorich87
- Fedapay Angular - FedaPay integration for Angular applications. By @fedapay
- Fedapay Node - NodeJs library for FedaPay Api. By @fedapay
- Fedapay PHP - PHP library for FedaPay Api. By @fedapay
- Fedapay Reactjs - FedaPay integration for ReactJs applications. By @fedapay
- Fedapay Ruby - Ruby library for FedaPay Api. By @fedapay
- fongbe - Keyboard map for fongbe, the most popular language of Benin. By @oqenyite
- FormHandlerBundle - This bundle add FormHandle to Symfony3 Form component. By @EldoMagan
- Formulus - A mini factory to build your UI in few seconds into WordPress. By @homescriptone
- fuzzy-couscous - A cli tool to bootstrap your django projects and enhance your development experience. By @Tobi-De
- Github to Bitbucket Issues Migration - Migrate issues from a Github repository to a Bitbucket one. By @sorich87
- getting-started-cdn-ionic - Test IONIC Framework CDN. By @ezchilamen
- Herobase - A Zeit Now integration with Heroku datastores. By @nelsonkamga
- idea-keep - Keep your ideas as they come. A rails app. By @nelsonkamga
- import-users-from-csv - WordPress plugin - Import users from a CSV file into WordPress. By @sorich87
- ina-mobile - ina-mobile is a mobile application which permit to know the availability of light in an area at Benin country. By @BeninDevelopers
- Introductory Screen Exemple - An Android library to make sublime home screen for your application. By @dongorias
- instagram-unfollow-batch - Unfollow Instagram accounts that do not follow you easily. By @homescriptone
- Jobby - A job board for African tech jobs. By @nelsonkamga
- jQuery Fullyear Calendar - This extension lets you display the months of a year and associate a given action with each month. By @homescriptone
- js-sdk - Javascript Sdk for KKIAPAY API. By @kkiapay
- kkiapay-give - The KKiapay-Give plugin extends Give(wordpress donation plugin) by allowing you to receive donations directly for your association via the KKIAPAY Widget. By @kkiapay
- kkiapay php-sdk - Admin KkiaPay Sdk for PHP. By @kkiapay
- kkiapay PrestaShop Module - KKiapay PrestaShop module allowing you to take payments directly on your store via KKIAPAY Widget. By @kkiapay
- kkiapay-python - Community-driven Admin KkiaPay Sdk for Python. By @PythonBenin
- kNN - Petite implémentation de l'algorithme k plus proches voisins. By @shadai_ali and @jgantindev ?
- kotlin-android-redux-counter - An Android counter app built in Kotlin following Redux principles. By @nelsonkamga
- Laravel Data Method - Useful Laravel form submission helpers. By @brexis
- Laravel SSO - Laravel SSO package. By @brexis
- LaRueInfo - A good Android app for daily news updates. By @sethgnavo
- Location Data BJ JS - Benin Republic territory data for web and JS apps. By @Dahkenangnon
- Logasia Test - Logasia test assignment. By @brexis
- lulz-scraping - KkiaPay Admin Sdk. By @kkiapay
- Masonite Forum - Vote based Question & Answer site built using Masonite Framework. By @hellomasonite
- Masonite Socialite - 🤖 Flexible Social Authentication for Masonite Framework. By @hellomasonite
- masonite-snippets-vscode - Masonite Snippets for VS Code. By @jgantindev
- MOOZISMS-ANDROID_SDK - Android sdk for send sms with moozisms platform. By @shadai_ali
- MOOZISMS-JAVASCRIPT_SDK - Javascript client for send sms via moozisms platform. By @shadai_ali
- nodejs-sdk - KkiaPay Admin Sdk. By @kkiapay
- nodejs-typescript-graphql-api-boilerplate - This project is a starting point to build a Graphql API with NodeJS and Typescript. By @Goldy98
OpenStreetMap With Ionic 4 - Integration of OpenStreetMap in Ionic Framework v4 application. By @ezchilamen
Oweather - A minimalist Weather forecast app built with Ionic Framework By @david95thinkcode
ORM With Python - Simple ORM with Python. By @yannickkiki
- Page Web De Maitenance - Page web à utiliser quand un site est en cours de maintenance By @david95thinkcode
- pfSense-pkg-zeek - Zeek ( formerly Bro) Network Security Monitor package for pfSense router/firewall. By @shadonet
- PhpGenerator - PhpGenerator generates applications using PHP and MySQL database. By @leplutonien
- phpSNMP - A composer version of the phpSNMP library. By @brexis
- PHPUnit Webdriver Formatter - PHPUnit Webdriver Formatter for Selenium IDE. By @sorich87
- Planefigures - A turtle based package that makes drawing common geometric plane shapes a breeze. By @OthnielDona
- Push Notification - FCM push notification with PHP. By @ChafikHadjAbdouRazack
- - Python Benin Community Website. By @PythonBenin
- QML Bootstrap - Sweet Qml components inspired from Ionic framework style for mobile and desktop Qt/Qml projects. By @brexis
- Quiz Trivia - A simple question answers game made in Vue.Js. By @homescriptone
- qosic-sdk - An unofficial python sdk for the QosIc platform. By @Tobi-De
- Read CSV - RFC 4180 compliant PHP library to read CSV files. By @sorich87
- Roman Num - A test laravel Api app witch converts integer to roman. By @brexis
- React Sticky Component - React Sticky Component for Header, Sidebar, Section list, etc. By @sunviwo
- re-former - Simple ROR app for bare Html forms practicing. By @tigamadou
- routee - Php Package for Routee Api Integration. By @tigamadou
- Sails Hook Resources - Provide a REST interface and more to your waterline models. By @EldoMagan
- Sails hook soft delete - Add soft delete to sails Waterline ORM. By @EldoMagan
- sails-rest-adapter - A sails adapter for Sails / Waterline to use a rest api as data source. By @EldoMagan
- Simple Paint App - This is an application that allows users to paint using their mouse. By @david95thinkcode
- Sharefiles - Système simplifié des partages des fichiers en réseau. By @leplutonien
- sphinx-bot - Python Benin Reminder Bot. This app remind you when you ask him to remind By @PythonBenin
- Shacli - Shacli provide a shared clipboard between two devices (everything copied on one device is available to download on the other devices) By @Goldy98
- Svelte DataTables - Like Jquery Datatables but for Svelte, it allows you to use DataTables into your Svelte/Routify/Sapper application project. ) By @HomeScript
- Svelte MultiSteps Form - Create MultiStep Form for your Svelte/Routify/Sapper application project in few minutes ) By @HomeScript
- The Loops - Like Drupal Views but for WordPress, The Loops allows you to query the WordPress database for content and display it in a page without having to write php code. By @sorich87
- Ticko - Events Tickets Selling WooCommerce. By @homescriptone
- Tilebase - Tile base is a curated list of components used by Laravel Dashboard. By @dehboris
- Trezzo - Receive feedback and bug reports from your users directly into Trello. By @nelsonkamga
- Todoist Linux - The linux desktop application for todoist. By @kamhix
- Twig Avatar Extension - Twig Avatar Extension helps to generate user avatar using name initials letter inside Twig templates. By @zinsouoliviers
- Twig Country Extension - Twig Country Extension helps to convert two letter country to country name. By @zinsouoliviers
- Twig Number Abbreviation Extension - Twig Number Abbreviation Extension helps to display an easy-to-read format for your numbers. By @zinsouoliviers
- ultimate-cordova-webview-app - Build Cross-Platform Mobile App for your website. By @jgantindev
- ultimate-sms-notifications-for-woocommerce - Une extension WordPress permettant de notifier les propriétaires de boutique WooCommerce ou les clients par SMS. By @homescriptone - Maintened by @manutheblacker
- Vuex ORM Plugin: LocalForage - Vuex ORM persistence plugin to sync the store against IndexedDB using localforage. By @EldoMagan
- Vuex ORM Plugin: LocalForage Exemple - The example application to demonstrate the use case of the Vuex ORM. It's a simple ToDo application which can add assignee to each todo. By @EldoMagan
- wewoko - Une nouvelle de vendre ces services freelances en Afrique. By @homescriptone & @beattractive
- Web Socket Android Client - Android webSocket client for Ratchet Server. By @shadai_ali
- whmcs-fedapay - FedaPay third party payment gateway module for WHMCS. By @fedapay
- woocommerce-gateway-fedapay - FedaPay official WooCommerce gateway. By @fedapay
- WooCommerce Once Cart Items Remover - Remove in one click all items in the cart page. By @homescriptone
- WooCommerce Order Duplicator - Duplicate easily WooCommerce Order. By @homescriptone
- WooCommerce Email Domain Validator - An easy tool for prevent email spamming on your WooCommerce store. By @homescriptone
- wordpress-plugin - The KKiapay plugin extends WooCommerce allowing you to take payments directly on your store via KKIAPAY Widget. By @kkiapay
- WP Media Assistant - Display useful informations about your WordPress media library - By @JustinyAhin
- wpjobster-kkiapay - Kkiapay WP Jobster Plugin. By @kkiapay