oldtweets icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
oldtweets copied to clipboard

python script to backup/delete old tweets from your timeline


OldTweets backs up (and deletes, if you so desire) all your tweets beyond the latest 100.


This script will work if, and only if, you:

  1. Use python3
  2. Install python-twitter: https://github.com/bear/python-twitter and dependencies (or run pip install -Ur requirements.txt)
  3. go to dev.twitter.com, sign up with your account and create a new app (the details can be bogus, your app will be private)
  4. copy the consumer key and secret from your app in a credentials file
  5. go to "my access token" in the (righthand) menu of your app and copy the token and key in a credentials file

a credentials file is distributed with this script, as a sample. This file won't work so you have to create your twitter app and copy your own credentials.


Older versions had plenty of options. The latest version simplifies it greatly.

  • see all tweets older than 4 weeks

    cat credentials | ./oldtweets.py

  • see all liked tweets older than 4 weeks

    cat credentials | ./oldtweets.py --likes

  • print and delete from twitter tweets older than 4 weeks (oldest at the top)

    cat credentials | ./oldtweets.py --delete >> mytweetsbackupfile.txt

  • print and un-like liked tweets older than 4 weeks

    cat credentials | ./oldtweets.py --delete --likes

  • [FIXME] The tweets can still sometimes output in the wrong order, with some duplicates.

    cat credentials | ./oldtweets.py | sort | uniq >> mytweetsbackupfile.txt


Based on a script by David Larlet (@davidbgk)

Code, documentation and improvements contributed by Olivier Thereaux (@olivierthereaux), Karl Dubost (@karlpro), Florent Verschelde (@fvsch), and Steve Frécinaux (@nud)