manuskript copied to clipboard
Gives error and doesn't open the program
It dosen't open the program and gives me this error. I have installed the newest pyqt5 and have it in a folder in the Manuskript folder. How do I fix it so it recognises the file it needs to run.
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt5'
On which operating system? Have you installed pyqt5 as package from your distros repository or via pip? (I just assume you are on some Linux distribution...)
No Mac. I downloaded the pyqt5 package. Where do I put the file so Manuscript recognizes it and opens it? Also, I got an error that apple changed the program it used to some Zch system in the terminal.
distros repository? pip? What does that mean? I downloaded it from a website that had it. Just looked it up on google search.
Also there's no mac ox package on the download page.
Okay, for Mac you have two potential options. You can try to use the installer for MacOS which will probably be used for the next release (you can find it here) or you could try to install and run Manuskript from source code (this involves using homebrew via terminal though).
Ok, that worked. Sometimes it crashes though after I do some things on it. I assume that's continuing to be a work in progress. I'm glad I finally got to open the thing, though. Thanks so much.
No problem. Yes, the application is still in development. So some issues are expected but hopefully those can be sorted out in future releases.