StreamCenter icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
StreamCenter copied to clipboard

tvOS project that aims at providing various video feeds to the AppleTV.



StreamCenter is a tvOS project that aims at providing various video feeds to the AppleTV.

We were forced into releasing the app because someone ripped the source code and is selling for $0.99. Our intentions always were to release it for free. However, if you wish to support us, you can go ahead using paypal.

PayPal donate button

NOTE: Our web api is currently in dev mode, you may see non-critial error messages.

Supported platforms

  • Twitch
  • Hitbox
  • Custom urls

Planned on next release

  • Authentication and access to personal content
    • followed/subscribed content on Twitch & Hitbox

Got ideas?

Fill an issue with tag "enhancement"

Running the Project

###Things you need:

  • XCode 7.1+
  • Cocoapods 0.39+ (i.e. sudo gem install cocoapods or sudo gem update cocoapods)
  • The XCodeColors plugin available here. Otherwise the logging system will output color tags

Installing Dependencies

Since we're not including the /Pods directory in the git, you must run pod install inside the project directory to install dependencies

Make sure you open GamingStreamsTVApp.xcworkspace to include the generated Pods or you will run into compile errors.


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Huge thanks to @waterskier2007 for the support.
If anyone wishes to contribute, just email us for info. We're looking for contributors to integrate other platforms