ueli copied to clipboard
Installed windows 11 and nothing works anymore. Even when complete reinstalling
I always get errors. I can't open any applications anymore. they don't show up. "Error: Command failed: powershell.exe -NonInteractive -NoProfile -Command "& { [Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8; $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; $applications = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[String]; $extensions = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string] ([string[]]@('.lnk','.appref-ms','.url','.exe'), [System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase); 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs','C:\Users\Malte\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu','C:\Users\Malte\Desktop' | %{ Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $_ -Recurse -File | Where-Object { $extensions.Contains($.Extension) } | ForEach-Object { $applications.Add($.FullName) } }; $result = (@{ errors = @($error | ForEach-Object { $_.Exception.Message }); applications = $applications } | ConvertTo-Json); Write-Host $result; }" Windows PowerShell terminated with the following error: The type initializer for 'System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState' threw an exception. "
I am on windows 11 and it works flawlessly for me @mmfs37
I'm also on Windows 11 and it works perfectly fine. But I noticed when you run the application's uninstaller, it doesn't uninstall the config files entirely. As all the configurations and caches are stored at AppData\Roaming\ueli
Enter the following address in your explorer and try to remove all the files & folders inside it:
After removing all the files & folders inside AppData\Roaming\ueli
. Make sure you have Powershell 7.x installed before re-installing ueli app.
Uninstall Ueli and as @AlanD20 mentioned remove the folder C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\ueli
. Then install Ueli again and check if it works.