ueli copied to clipboard
Portable version not portable
I assume because of Electron, but lots of info stored in the appData folder:
And also in the user folder:
Anyway to disable these?
@teamayu ueli is available through Portapps if you want to try it: https://portapps.io/app/ueli-portable/
@teamayu This is a normal behaviour because of the way Electron works. It stores its environment data necessary for running under Windows in AppData\Roaming
and recreates it again if you remove it or if you start Ueli on another device. The data under Users\XXX\.ueli
is just cache and debug data and therefore not necessary for keeping relevant user settings neither.
"Portable" just means that the executables aren't in the system folders. You can run them anywhere you want.
No problem. The portable version at portapps.io is better, but still creates an appdata folder and the user folder. To be honest, there are better launchers around that are natively portable with no trace, so even though Ueli is a clean piece of software, I'll give it a miss for now.
I see your point. At the moment there is no way to disable the temporarily created folders/files. Thanks for your feedback!
I think you can edit the userData Path? Something like:
if (isDevelopment) {
app.setPath('userData', path.join(__dirname, 'config'))
} else {
app.setPath('userData', path.join(path.dirname(process.execPath), 'config'))
PortableApps platform is able to run apps without leaving any trace on the host computer. It uses its own temp folders. Maybe it would be worth looking into that one to see how it works and how an app can be made to comply with the same policy. I agree that a PORTABLE app should be completely portable and when the app is not in use, it should remove all its traces from the host machine.
Can we set own data folder for settings?