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Configurable Priority for bult-in features
[Feature Request]
I really love the possibility to search for files and programs at once, but is sometime problematic. For example:
- I search for "chr"
- I expect to find chrome
- Chrome is there but at 7th position
- The first 6 positions are occupied by spare files that happen to contain chr inside their name
For me, in general, programs are more relevant than spare files and I would like to configure the priority of these two search results (like it happen for fallback web searches) to show first programs results.
The idea of prioritizing results can be extended to all features. Example:
shortcuts > programs > operating system settings > files
Let me know if sounds worthy and feasible :) P.S. In the meanwhile, is there a workaround to obtain the desired prioritized result?
This seems like a good idea! I'm thinking of adding this to the next release. Thanks for your feedback!
In the meantime you could adjust the search engine treshold in the settings. Try decreasing the value. The lower this number the more precise has to be your search term. Maybe this helps?
Perhaps this could be controlled by drag'n'drop reordeing of the plugin list in settings. I have a similar issue where the top result shouldn't really be a browser bookmark as in the following case.