Oliver Azevedo Barnes
Oliver Azevedo Barnes
followers of proposals getting notified of proposal updates and suggestions made to it
going with simple proposal list for first pilot, an activity feed will be more desirable once there's a lot of activity going on
A reference: https://www.google.com/design/spec/material-design/introduction.html
also had trouble install sevenwire-rest-client, doesn't exist anywhere. any options?
nevermind, found it - source "http://gems.github.com"
Also came across this. FWIW, in case it inspires any other ideas, I tried appending `Thread.list.count` to the cassette name: ``` VCR.use_cassette("records#{Thread.list.count}") do ``` Which allows recording several cassettes, but...
> If it's a problem on Linux, why does it work on CI which runs Linux? I guess it could vary according to the platform Linux is running on, for...