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🧪 Neotest adapter for PHPUnit



This plugin provides a PHPUnit adapter for the Neotest framework.

Neotest and PHPUnit

:package: Installation

Install with the package manager of your choice:


  lazy = true,
  dependencies = {
  config = function()
      adapters = {


  requires = {
  config = function()
      adapters = {

:wrench: Configuration

Default configuration

[!NOTE] You only need to the call the setup function if you wish to change any of the defaults.

Click to see the default configuration
adapters = {
    phpunit_cmd = function()
      return "vendor/bin/phpunit" -- for `dap` strategy then it must return string (table values will cause validation error)
    root_files = { "composer.json", "phpunit.xml", ".gitignore" },
    filter_dirs = { ".git", "node_modules" },
    env = {}, -- for example {XDEBUG_CONFIG = 'idekey=neotest'}
    dap = nil, -- to configure `dap` strategy put single element from `dap.configurations.php`

The test command

The command used to run tests can be changed via the phpunit_cmd option:

  phpunit_cmd = function()
    return "vendor/bin/phpunit"

Setting the root directory

For Neotest adapters to work, they need to define a project root whereby the process of discovering tests can take place. By default, the adapter looks for a composer.json, phpunit.xml or .gitignore file. These can be changed with:

  root_files = { "" }

You can even set root_files with a function which returns a table:

  root_files = function() return { "" } end

If there are projects you don't want discovered, you can instead set root_ignore_files to ignore any matching projects.

For example, if your project uses Pest and the appropriate neotest adapter, you'll need to set:

    root_ignore_files = { "tests/Pest.php" }

Filtering directories

By default, the adapter will search test files in all dirs in the root with the exception of node_modules and .git. You can change this with:

  filter_dirs = { "vendor" }

You can even set filter_dirs with a function which returns a table:

  filter_dirs = function() return { "vendor" } end


The plugin can also be used for debugging via a dap strategy.

Firstly, install and configure nvim-dap with vscode-php-debug. Then set the following dap configuration:

dap.configurations.php = {
    log = true,
    type = "php",
    request = "launch",
    name = "Listen for XDebug",
    port = 9003,
    stopOnEntry = false,
    xdebugSettings = {
      max_children = 512,
      max_data = 1024,
      max_depth = 4,
    breakpoints = {
      exception = {
        Notice = false,
        Warning = false,
        Error = false,
        Exception = false,
        ["*"] = false,

Then in the plugin's config, add:

  env = {
      XDEBUG_CONFIG = "idekey=neotest",
  dap = dap.configurations.php[1],

[!NOTE] If you run a test with the dap strategy from the summary window (by default by d) and see that the window content has been replaced by debugger content then consider setting dap.defaults.fallback.switchbuf = "useopen" or Neovim level switchbuf

:rocket: Usage

Test single method

To test a single test, hover over the test and run lua require("neotest")

Test file

To test a file run lua require("neotest")"%"))

Test directory

To test a directory run lua require("neotest")"path/to/directory")

Test suite

To test the full test suite run lua require("neotest"){ suite = true })

:gift: Contributing

This project is maintained by the Neovim PHP community. Please raise a PR if you are interested in adding new functionality or fixing any bugs. When submitting a bug, please include an example test that we can test against.

To trigger the tests for the adapter, run:
