
Results 53 comments of Oli

I haven't tried with your config; it's a hella lot of work to debug someones config 😉 .I use a `link` in my config and it works just fine, as...

Thanks so much for the above. Yep I can confirm that I can recreate it too. As mentioned before I think it's because of the ordering of the highlight groups...

Hey all. Has anyone actively worked on a pull request for this? Recent changes in [dashboard.nvim](https://github.com/glepnir/dashboard-nvim/blob/master/lua/dashboard/preview.lua#L43) make it look quite simple

Well why can't you use the shell commands plugin that is part of PHPCI?

I'm using the same version of PHPCI and had the same issue so I just installed XDebug following this Gist: https://gist.github.com/kamilZ/b11d1448e1479fe591f6

That solved it. This is your issue as opposed to PHPCI's

Just to add that this would be a great little feature to have

Just to add I get around this by having a `ColorScheme` autocommand that reloads my cokeline config.

Wading in on this. Having to work with multiple languages, I'm forever working with Docker. Having the native ability to pass a test to docker in the way @stephan-hesselmann-by suggests...

Okay so I have this playing nicely with vim-test...I set my breakpoints, run the test and then type `DebugPy 3000` which launches the debug session nicely. For reference, `DebugPy`...