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can't load any 3d object in ARKitReferenceNode in ARKit_flutter_plugin
Hello, I'm using the ARKit_flutter_plugin, Also I can show the primitive nodes like: Sphere and Cylinder but I can't show a 3d (.dae)model using the ARKitReferenceNode . I tried the sample code in the documentation , but it is n't working.
Цілий день не можу також знайти відповіді. Все спробував, помилок немає в компіляторі, flutter doctor -v стабільний, працюють тільки .jpeg о'бєкти, у будь-якому з варіантів Custom_Object, Animated_Object не працюють обєкти/ як з інтернету/ так з вказаної діректорії. Маю Mac M1 2021, Iphone XS CocoaPods, все вклав в Info.plist, Podfile працюють. Буду дуже вдячний за відповідь.
I also can't find answers all day. I tried everything, there are no errors in the compiler, flutter doctor -v is stable, only .jpeg objects work, in any of the options Custom_Object, Animated_Object objects do not work / both from the Internet / and from the specified directory. I have a Mac M1 2021, Iphone XS CocoaPods, all invested in Info.plist, Podfile working. I will be very grateful for the answer.
for me only thing that is working is the example app. When I put .dae file in my project it is not showing. Is there any other setup that we are not aware of? Also placing models into iOS Runner project should be documented somewhere. I had hard time figuring out that one.
so - you should place your models under Xcode not in the flutter iOS project. that was the issue for me. check at the example app how everything works
so - you should place your models under Xcode not in the flutter iOS project. that was the issue for me. check at the example app how everything works
Exactly! I also understood with time, but this is the solution.
how can i place the models folder under the runner folder, i tried to do it manually but it didn't work