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🌚 Zero allocated, structured, leveled and very pretty Golang logger

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Zero allocated, structured, leveled and pretty Golang logger

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Intro | Benchmarks | Usage | Installation | License

🌚 Intro


// Here we are, just creating our new logger with a default 'formatter'.
// We'll talk about formatters letter on Usage section...
logger := kek.NewLogger("logger", "name")
logger.Debug.Println("And that is it!")

Output: | debug  2019/7/28 20:54:40.683859000 [4666]:   And that is it!

🏃 Benchmarks


Intel Xeon E3-1280 v6
Cores: 4x 3.90 GHz (Single Quad Core)
2x 1 TB SATA 7.2k RPM (Software RAID 1)
Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) LTS minimal [64bit]

Uptime 1 day

Results in average from 15 runs:

BenchmarkLogger_PrintlnWithEmptyWriter-8    	 1530000	       760 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLogger_PrintlnWithStdoutWriter-8         590000	      2010 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLogger_PrintTMithEmptyWriter-8     	 1450000	       815 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLogger_PrintTMithStdoutWriter-8          570000	      2050 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLogger_PrintTMWithEmptyWriter-8    	 1350000	       870 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLogger_PrintTMWithStdoutWriter-8         550000	      2100 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
ok	9s

🔧 Usage

Aight. If you're staying with me to see more complex usage of this lib - go into the examples folder or keep reading.


These are things that help you to populate logger with a specific configuration that is going to be 'linked' to a logger or just copied, so modification to the factory won't affect on other loggers.

factory := kek.NewFactory(
    // First arg is an io.Writer
    // And the second is the formatter. Don't worry, we've got some
    // formatter packed up within the lib. But if you want, you
    // can create your formatter and give your logs
    // a new life.

// Now let's modify this factory a little bit.

// Alright, now our logger have extended factory configurations.
logger := factory.NewLogger()
// And even can modify his own config, not affecting the factory.

// But for those who wants to link loggers coming out of your
// factory, we've got NewLinkedLogger func.
// It returns the same logger, except its configurations are linked
// to the factory.
linkedLogger := factory.NewLinkedLogger()
// So any change made for the factory is going to affect a linked
// logger.


The logger is a thing that you use to write logs into a writer. To use them you need to create a new one from the factory to extend already specified configs or just use default configs by using the public NewLogger(name ...string) *Logger function.



Oke, now I know that there is a lot of projects that need a specific log format and for that purposes to log stuff, you'll need a formatter that will control every log. There is a set of configurable (or not) default formatters made to save your time.


minified := kek.NewLogger("minified").SetFormatter(minified.Formatter)
sugared := kek.NewLogger("sugared").SetFormatter(sugared.Formatter)


minified - debug: yeah
sugared  | info  2019/7/28 21:27:27.788431000 [4715]: YEAAAH

Logger names

Every logger can have a name and a factory can also have a prefix for a logger. This functionality is not necessary, but I should say that is pretty useful when you need to separate loggers to get the context of a process.


factory := kek.NewFactory("service")
// Oh, and there is also a name tabulation, but it will take affect
// depends on your formatter.

userPostsLogger := factory.NewLogger("user", "posts")
userCommentsLogger := factory.NewLogger("user", "comments")

// If a property 'WithColors' is enabled, you can set a random color
// for the loggers name.

userPostsLogger.Debug.Println("Post edited")
userCommentsLogger.Warn.Println("Comments are refreshed")


# Welp, to see the colors - head over to the examples folder.
service/user.posts    | debug 2019/7/28 21:27:27.788431000 [4715]: Post edited
service/user.comments | warn  2019/7/28 21:27:27.788521000 [4715]: Comments are refreshed

Printer Types

The printer is the function that handles the job of executing a formatter and pool (🚰) management. For a moment of this documentation kek delivers 3 types of printers:

  • Base - the only printer that you've seen so far (Print, Println)
  • Template - a printer that takes a format of a log and inserts values into it (PrintT, PrintTM, PrintTKV)
  • Structured - a printer that takes a message and writes key-value pairs in a specific structured way (PrintSKV)


logger := kek.NewLogger()
    PrintT("wassup, {} - {}", "boi", 123).
    PrintTM("wassup, NewMap{{name}}, Age: {{age}}",
            Set("name", "Boi").
            Set("age", 17),
    PrintTM("wassup, Map{{name}}", ds.Map{
        "name": "Boi",
    PrintTKV("wassup, KeyValue{{name}} {{34}} {{134}} - {{unknown}}",
        "name", "Boi",
        "34", true,
        // Skips the key that is not a string.
        134, "ooh",
        // Skips the key value pair without a value.

    PrintSKV("message for key values",
        "key1", "value1",
        "key2", 242456246,
        "key3", true,
        "key4", 135135.13413,


debug 2019/7/28 21:53:20.501202000 [4775]:   wassup, boi - 123
debug 2019/7/28 21:53:20.501296000 [4775]:   wassup, NewMapBoi, Age: 17
debug 2019/7/28 21:53:20.501300000 [4775]:   wassup, MapBoi
debug 2019/7/28 21:53:20.501305000 [4775]:   wassup, KeyValueBoi true {{134}} - {{unknown}}
info  2019/7/28 21:56:20.501355000 [4811]:   message for key values
 > key1: value1
 > key2: 242456246
 > key3: true
 > key4: 135135.13413

⬇️ Installation

go get

🔖 License

It's MIT. What else would you expect? 🌚