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How do I pass a custom TU_DEBUG variable?
I need to set TU_DEBUG to nofsdt . Is this possible?
@olegos2 Any idea where to set this variable? It's for getting the Quest 3 to stop having flickering graphics.
@olegos2 anyway we could get an option to custom set this variable in the next build?
maybe this you need.. but root version :"(
Anyway to do without non-root?
@PeterTucker You should be able to edit those from termux or wine itself. Those are termux data directory and you can edit within termux app.
@PeterTucker You should be able to edit those from termux or wine itself. Those are termux data directory and you can edit within termux app.
That right ... you can try this method broww it without root
@gtaforever00 and @ZeeVanjul thank you both. I'll give it a try!