Oleg Sapishchuk

Results 15 comments of Oleg Sapishchuk

``` -- Unable to deploy the duplicateRules to your Salesforce Org -- Please deploy the rules manually via the following SFDX command: sfdx force:source:deploy -p "./src/sfdc/personaccounts/main/default/duplicateRules/" -- Review the CLI...

Doing an installation on another org, and got the same issue once again, but now the command that is recommended to fix it, is not working: ``` 👾 > sfdx...

Having the same issue... ``` { "success": false, "error": [ { "stack": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined\n at Object. (/Users/osapishchuk/IdeaProjects/b2c-crm-sync/node_modules/@salesforce/plugin-data/lib/dataCommand.js:18:50)\n at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1102:14)\n at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1131:10)\n at Module.load...

To mitigate this issue, I : - created a dummy Person Account - reassigned 00000216 and 00000219 to that dummy Person Account - changed the status from Active to Draft...

I assume it's something with the quality of the data on the org I'm using. These multi-cloud tests again failed to execute on the new org which was provisioned internally...

Following duplicate rules are on the instnace: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/84885159/130338609-7da77c12-efd6-43cc-bea6-f56aa4968a2d.png) This is my configuration for "**B2C Commerce: Standard Person Accounts**" duplicate rule ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/84885159/130338618-05456af7-6a8f-4ea8-a233-b02137031f93.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/84885159/130338631-0c519a36-db29-42a8-b756-539825a58ef9.png)

As mentioned in the https://github.com/SalesforceCommerceCloud/b2c-crm-sync/issues/15 looks like this issue is related that multi-cloud tests are not using `dotenv`, which contradicts solution documentation that states all is going via `dotenv`.

@joacorma I didn't, I had to just accept and ignore those as they didn't impact the main functionality I was looking for. I would recommend you to open issue in...

@saqibcloudconversion, tests will still fail if you use `dotenv` approach, please read https://github.com/SalesforceCommerceCloud/b2c-crm-sync/issues/15 as well. The only solution is not to use `dotenv` and keep one `env` file per repository.

1. What is the business value or rationale for updating `Account` fields if you use PersonaAccount setup? 2. What is the functional GAP if you use only Contact fields in...